So, you want a ticketing system that knows that an e-mail that wasn't sent through it, where the essential identifying information has been changed, is part of a particular ticket? Maybe I missed something.

That should be possible based on the subject and header information.

You need to point your support@ address to a pipe through the ticket system and distribute the e-mails through [RT,whatever else] so it can be tagged with a UID.

It also does that. But my boss is replying to the wrong one.

If the boss is so paranoid, keep a copy of each message stashed in a maildir before it hits RT and have an extra /etc/aliases ready to go in case of disaster to distribute e-mails. But I know businesses that live and breathe RT and I've done some performance optimization for them, and the thing just doesn't go down.

Hah, you say those things like we have a linux mail server. Sadly, we use Ipswitch Imail (I know, I know)

I just put in ANOTHER request to have stuff go through the ticketing system only. Hopefull that will pan out.
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