On 3/21/07, Ben Scott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hello, world!

 So, I'm thinking about getting a new handheld computer (AKA PDA),
before the one I have now finishes crumbling into dust.  (For purposes
of this discussion, let's assume my handheld and my mobile phone will
be two different devices.)  I'd like to hear people's opinions and
experiences on brands, models, etc.

 I've been a Palm user since forever.  I used to be a big fan of
Palm.  But the limitations of the Palm OS are getting rather old,
development has stagnated, and Palm Inc has decided to go swimming
with a ball-and-chain named "Windows Mobile".  So I'm thinking it may
be time to get off this ship.

 I'm especially interested in the Sharp Zaurus.  I understand that,
while it's nominally not sold in the US, it's pretty easy to find
vendors importing it, and that the manufacturer support picture is
pretty good (for the immediate future, anyway).

 One thing I want from a handheld is that it has to be a good PIM
first -- good calendar, contact, task list, and notepad functionality.
 Not Emacs, but something easily usable with one hand while I've got
my head stuck inside a computer cabinet.  This is one thing the Palm
always did *very* well.  What about the Zaurus?

 My handwriting sucks.  I've managed to train myself to Graffiti, but
that's about it.  If all the
Zauruses... Zauri... Zaurus models have built-in keyboards, I guess
that's moot.  Right?

 The Zaurus runs Linux, which is uber-cool, especially for more
sophisticated things.  Can anyone comment on how Linux software
translates to the Zaurus platform?  Is it just a recompile, or is it
mostly incompatible?  Does it use X for graphics, or something else?

 What about sync'ing with a desktop Linux PC?  I ass-ume, since it
runs Linux, that basic interoperability is a no-brainer.  Is there
anything like jpilot for the Zaurus?

 Any other handhelds people like these days?

 Comments, suggestions, flames, dopeslaps, etc., welcome.

"One day I feel I'm ahead of the wheel / And the next it's rolling over me"
                                                 -- Rush, "Far Cry"

Check out the Nokia N800 - it's sold in the US, and has an active
linux community (supported by Nokia) - http://www.maemo.org.

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