On 3/20/07, Travis Roy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
(For purposes of this discussion, let's assume my handheld and
my mobile phone will be two different devices.)

I would seriously consider combining the two devices. I find it very helpful.

 ~sigh~  Yes, yes.  That's the way it would be, in an ideal world.
But wireless carriers universally see any cell phone, and all the data
on it, as *their* property.  They don't sell you a phone, they let you
use their phone, maybe, for a little while, so long as you keep up on
your protection payments.  My thoughts on that policy are best not
uttered aloud, for fear of waking the elder gods.

 I also don't want to have to switch PDAs just because I switched
wireless carriers.

 Also, work pays for the cell phone, but not the PDA I want.  (I
could get a BlackBerry, but I don't relish the idea of being even more
reachable for work.)

 So, anyway, I have a cell phone, which makes phone calls, and I have
a handheld computer, which does everything else.

 Thanks for the rest of the information, though!  :-)

"One day I feel I'm ahead of the wheel / And the next it's rolling over me"
                                                 -- Rush, "Far Cry"
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