On Mar 20, 2007, at 6:30 PM, Ben Scott wrote:

 ~sigh~  Yes, yes.  That's the way it would be, in an ideal world.
But wireless carriers universally see any cell phone, and all the data
on it, as *their* property.  They don't sell you a phone, they let you
use their phone, maybe, for a little while, so long as you keep up on
your protection payments.  My thoughts on that policy are best not
uttered aloud, for fear of waking the elder gods.

Well, this is just tinfoil hat logic. Before my current Blackberry, I had the same phone as travis, Treo 650. My Treo sits here in the drawer next to me, still 100% functional (other than the fact it can't make a phone call). I can still use it as a PDA, I can still sync with my MBP, and so on.

If you get one of those horrible Sidekicks, then yeah, T-Mobile owns/ controls your data. With the Treo, 99% of whats on it never goes over the carriers network. I can pull my pics off the Treo, or email them for free to anyone I like (free because I had the unlimited data plan, with a lesser plan, you can email lesser amounts of stuff for free).

Although you don't want to hear it, I too prefer 1 single device. I don't want to walk around with this "geek belt" of crap on my waist.

I've looked a lot at the Zarus models, they suck (IMO). It's nice that they run linux and have the potential for all this uber-cool extended functionality. But all I want/need in a PIM is the basic functions done well and reliably. I like my Blackberry a little better than the Treo, but either option is (IMO) the best choice out there.

 I also don't want to have to switch PDAs just because I switched
wireless carriers.

Get something that uses a SIM card.

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