On 3/20/07, brk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I object to the whole attitude wireless carriers have.

So do I, but in the end I have bigger things to worry about.

 From what I can tell, most people have that attitude.  Which, of
course, is what lets so many companies get away with such lousy
behavior.  Note well that I'm not condemning you personally for this.
It is definitely the majority mindset.

Besides, as soon as Google rolls out their nationwide Wifi, and
accompanying phone it won't be such an issue anymore.

 If Google (or anyone else) decides to start offering wireless
service that treats customers as customers, I will be right there in
line to sign-up.

Anyway, you don't want a phone/PDA (although I still think you do, if
for no reason other than internet everywhere is VERY handy) ...

 Like I keep saying, I do want a converged device.  I just want other
things more.

... so it's kind of a useless argument.

 I seem to attract/instigate such.

"One day I feel I'm ahead of the wheel / And the next it's rolling over me"
                                                 -- Rush, "Far Cry"
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