On 3/20/07, Ben Scott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hello, world!

  So, I'm thinking about getting a new handheld computer (AKA PDA),
before the one I have now finishes crumbling into dust.  (For purposes
of this discussion, let's assume my handheld and my mobile phone will
be two different devices.)  I'd like to hear people's opinions and
experiences on brands, models, etc.

What do you want?  A computer you can carry around with you?  Or something
to carry around w/ your data until you can get to a real computer?

=  One thing I want from a handheld is that it has to be a good PIM
first -- good calendar, contact, task list, and notepad functionality.
Not Emacs, but something easily usable with one hand while I've got
my head stuck inside a computer cabinet.  This is one thing the Palm
always did *very* well.  What about the Zaurus?

Palm is what you use until you get to a real computer.  It does the basic
PIM very well and can be coerced to do a few other things well enough.  Used
Palms are always available on eBay.

I have a Palm I use to track appointments, addresses, todo, notes and
encrypted stuff with Strip.  When I get back to my computer, it syncs with
Exchange at work or jpilot at home or Palm Desktop at home.  In a pinch I
can run POSE for read only access to the data that's been sync'd that I
can't get otherwise (strip, etc).

I have a Blackberry w/ Nextel for work.  Lousy phone, lousy walkie talkie,
barely ok phone reception, great email tool, lousy notes, lousy calendar,
very good addresses w/ email/phone integration.  Does gmail well (w/ either
agent or browser).  gmap agent, Opera web browser and other things on java
me are ok.

Personally, I want a phone that syncs the address well.  Then a PDA for
everything else when I don't have a computer.  Someday, I think there will
be a phone that will do all that but I don't see it yet.
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