On Fri, 2008-11-14 at 08:04 -0500, Ted Roche wrote:
> Lloyd Kvam wrote:
> > My daughter's laptop has a failing disk drive.  I've backed up her data.
> > The laptop is old enough that we want to replace it.  I'm looking for
> > suggestions as to where I can get a reasonable laptop with Ubuntu or
> > simply bare.  I can handle the Ubuntu installation.
> I have heard good things about http://www.system76.com/

Thank you all for the advice and help.  The Dell site navigation only
shows the mini when you pick laptops/ubuntu.  I did not see the
possibility of picking open source first towards the bottom of the

I've ordered a Dell Studio 15.  It's her primary computer, so the mini,
mobility choices are not good options.  

The non-mini Walmart choices were all Celerons.  She does enough Math
work and I've always felt that the Celerons were not worth the
performance sacrifice.  System76 looked good, but was somewhat pricier.
I'm quite willing to go with an unknown brand name, but I know my
daughter prefers to stay closer to the main stream.

At least we managed to avoid buying an unwanted Windows license.

Lloyd Kvam
Venix Corp

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