On 03/04/2010 09:50 AM, Tom Buskey wrote:
> FWIW, BSD (& Solaris) also uses cylinder boundries.  8 slices per disk
> (0-7).  Slice 2 is the full disk cylinders 0-N and shouldn't be used
> for anything.  Overlapping cylinders will lead to data loss eventually
> and newer versions of Solaris prevent format (not fdisk) from doing
> that.  I don't remember about the BSD systems.  Older BSD based ones
> did nothing to prevent self LARTing.
As I mentioned, I was not aware that Anaconda (gparted) had allocated
the boot partition end end in the middle of a cylinder.

Since virtually everything on my system is backed up I think that rather
than fighting with what I perceive as a bug in LVM2, I will build my
system from scratch. This will fix the cylinder alignment (which is not
really an issue at this point).

Jerry Feldman <g...@blu.org>
Boston Linux and Unix
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