On Thu, Mar 4, 2010 at 2:34 PM, Jerry Feldman <g...@blu.org> wrote:
> I'm wondering if I can boot from a live cd and do that step
> from something like gparted or Knoppix.

 Oh, that's a good point!  pvcreate doesn't do anything in the LVM
database or Volume Group; it essentially just does some sanity checks
and then sets up metadata structures on the PV.  You could be able to
do that from any working Linux system, and then reboot back into
Fedora and run vgextend to add the PV to the VG.

> 3. pay taxes - I live in MA.

  It ain't that far off for the rest of the country, either.  <rueful grin>

> 4. Buy my daughter a Macbook Pro for her birthday - her cat fried her
> existing one.

  Wow.  That's an expensive cat.  :-(

-- Ben
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