On 03/04/2010 11:23 AM, Benjamin Scott wrote:
> On Thu, Mar 4, 2010 at 7:34 AM, Jerry Feldman <g...@blu.org> wrote:
>> On 03/03/2010 09:53 PM, Benjamin Scott wrote:
>>>   md1 (currently only on sdc2) is bigger than sda2.  You will not be
>>> able to mirror md1 back on to sda2 without repartitioning sda, which
>>> will mean removing sda1 from md0.
>> That is intentional. /dev/SDA is a Seagate and /dev/sdc is a WD.
>   Interesting.  According to the fdisk output, they're identical in
> size, down to the block.  Usually I don't get that lucky, I've found.
> :)
>> This way I reduce the chance of a simultaneous failure, like we had at the
>> BLU last year where all of our drives were the same MFR and lot #.
>   Hmmm, that's a good idea.
>> Actually, somehow Fedora partitioner set up /dev/sda1 to end not on a
>> cylinder boundary.
>   Good job Fedora.  See previous about PC partitioning being a crock.  ;-)
>> If I start from scratch, they will be the same exact size.
>   One option would be:
> A1. Get the unable-to-create-PV problem fixed first, of course
> A2. Move the LVM PEs (Physical Extents) currently on sda2 to sdc2 (as
> described previously)
> A3. Remove sda2 from the VG (as described previously)
> A4. Remove sda1 from md0 (breaking the mirror), leaving just sdc1 in the 
> mirror
> A5. Nuke the partition table on sda
> A6. Copy the partition table from sdc to sda, so the two disks have an
> identical partition layout
> A7. Re-mirror md0 and md1 on to the new sda1 and sda2 (respectively)
> A8. Reinstall the boot loader on to md0 and/or sda
>   To nuke a partition table (WARNING: destroys data!):
>       dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda bs=512 count=1
>       sfdisk -R /dev/sda
>   (WARNING: The above destroys data!)
>   Then you can copy with:
>       sfdisk -d /dev/sdc | sed s/sdc/sda/ | sfdisk /dev/sda
> On Thu, Mar 4, 2010 at 11:09 AM, Jerry Feldman <g...@blu.org> wrote:
>> Since virtually everything on my system is backed up I think that rather
>> than fighting with what I perceive as a bug in LVM2, I will build my
>> system from scratch.
>   That's a viable option, too.  :-)
Getting the unable-to-create-PV problem fixed first, is the crux of the
situation. I'm wondering if I can boot from a live cd and do that step
from something like gparted or Knoppix. In any case, I have a few tasks
in front of me in the next few weeks:
1. This (eg. set up my system as a RAID1).
2. Move from a Blackberry Curve to a Motorola Backflip Android -the main
issue is to copy the Blackberry Memo Pad (there are a few ways to do
this) over to an Android notepad program, such as Evernote, AKNotes, and
many more.
3. pay taxes - I live in MA.
4. Buy my daughter a Macbook Pro for her birthday - her cat fried her
existing one.

Jerry Feldman <g...@blu.org>
Boston Linux and Unix
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