I'm not sure looking for more attendance at meetings should be a
significant goal for GNHLUG.

The reason people go to a meeting is to meet new and different people
which (hopefully) share the same interests as you. The number of reasons
people do NOT go to a meeting are a lot larger and include items such as
family time, gas prices, parking, chores, ... of which we have no control.

So either we have to increase the priority of going to a meeting, or
lower the priority of people staying away. The former can be done by
having higher quality speakers, "famous people", more interesting
subjects, more career/job benefits, ... The latter can't really be done.

Perhaps we should look at ways of improving our presentations,
escalating our speakers (by "creating famous people"), or ...

Provide a non-time and non-location dependent way of "meeting".

Our mailing list, archives, and wiki are our greatest standing
resources. Why don't we capitalize on them and let "meat-space" meetings
become more informal. We should increase the capture mechanisms because
those meat-space meetings have useful content.

Just thinking out loud...

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