Today, Ken D'Ambrosio gleaned this insight:

> On Wed, 28 Feb 2001, Brian Chabot wrote:
> > I can not telnet to any port or ssh from the LAN.  I managed to talnet
> > (I know... cleartext passwords.  I didn't set this up) from outside and
> > no matter what command I give it I get:
> >
> > bash: fork: Resource temperarily unavailable
> Unless I'm mistaken, this generally means that your process table is full.
> A reboot should be able to fix it; you might want to kick off a cron job
> to send you a weekly listing of "ps -auxww" just to see what's going on
> from then on.  If it still occurs after a reboot, I concur with others who
> have worries about your physical memory going on its way out.  (Note:
> while a kernel recompile under 2.2.x, or a tweak to /proc under 2.4.x,
> would be able to increase your process table, that would likely be
> treating the symptom, and not the cause.  You should really try to see
> what went haywire and filled up the table.)

I agree with all this... also check out /etc/inittab for stuff that might
be running out of it...

Try a reboot to single user mode.  If you don't have the problem there,
it's probably some service that's being started that is causing the
problem.  At that point you can at least look at the logs...

All your base are belong to us!
Somebody set us up the bomb!
Derek Martin

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