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At some point hitherto, Benjamin Scott hath spake thusly:
> On Thu, 4 Apr 2002, at 4:01pm, Derek D. Martin wrote:
> > Legally, they have to.  Kimberlite is GPL, and any product based on it
> > must also be GPL.
>   No, any product incorporating Kimberlite's *code* has to be GPL.

Which, as I understand it, is precisely what they're doing.

>   RHS might simply be using Kimberlite as the foundation of a suite of
> cluster tools, in which case the rest of it can be whatever they want.

Quite true.  But realize that the people who wrote kimberlite are the
same people (more or less) who are working on RH's product.  Realize
also that kimberlite does not provide adequate data integrity for
certain services (which is what distinguished it from Convolo).  What
they're doing is basically (again, as I understand it) using
Kimberlite's code as a basis for a new product to replace Convolo.
Much of the code will be reused, I gather.

It is certainly true though, that any programs they develop which are
independent of Kimberlite and (a key point here) do not link against
any of its libraries (all of which were licensed under the GPL, AFAIK)
are not subject to the GPL.  My suspicion is that there will be very
few of those. 

>   The GPL is probably one of the most misunderstood documents in the
> computer industry.

Only because people bother to try; I think the same would be true of
any EULA, if people bothered to read them.  It seems that you and I
agree in our interpretation of the GPL, and I'm fairly confident that
I've interpreted it correctly.  However, I make the disclaimers I make
mainly because a) I'm not a lawyer and far from expert in interpreting
the legal jargon of licenses and contracts; and because b) as much as
I'd like to, I do not know everything.  =8^)

- -- 
Derek Martin               [EMAIL PROTECTED]    
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