Just to put the matter to rest, now that we've chewed on it all afternoon.
I stated what I did earlier for a reason, and left out a lot of historical
detail and other technical information, because I've been-there-done-that.

In a nutshell, shared scsi (i.e., multiple initiators on a parallel SCSI
bus) is feasible, is shipping from at least one well-known major vendor
(ahem), and it NOT easy to do! You have to have HBAs with appropriate
firmware, device drivers that can make proper use of that firmware, a
SCSI CAM layer that speaks multi-initiator, and an application that will
do what you are trying to do, including manage your input/output buffers.
I don't want to even speculate as to how many people-years of work it
took to perfect all that, particularly since that's sensitive business
information, but it's kind of obvious that it took quite a few. I've
been working with it for over 8 years now, and it's been a long haul.

If it were MY data, I wouldn't even try to do it. Maybe some of the
MCL alumni/ae can point to some public online documentation on how to do
it, and if so, that would be wonderful - they contributed a lot of very
interesting technology to the Linux community, for which we should
all be grateful. Ben Boulanger just pointed out a link on Sourceforge, too.

Yeah, there are some issues with the NFS solution, but they are well-know
and well-understood (even if I can't type worth beans today) issues for
which workarounds could be developed. I submit that shared parallel SCSI
is less well understood in the Linux community and that the various
drivers would need extensive development and testing work to meet
the needs that were stated at the start of this thread.

Please do not CC me on the thread - I am a [EMAIL PROTECTED] subscriber,
and I might not be in a position to answer questions privately anyway. :-)



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