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At some point hitherto, Jerry Feldman hath spake thusly:
> Especially in the Unix/Linux environment, I think that creating files or 
> directories with spaces is ill advised, but there is a reality. Many 
> Windows users are migrating to Linux, and are bringing their habits with 
> them. Additionally, we tend to share file systems with Windows by importing 
> or exporting shares, or through dual booting.

As I attempted to point out, using filenames with spaces in them on
the command line is just as difficult on Windows as it is elsewhere.
It's just that the average user rarely has reason to do this, thanks
to the GUI.  Force them to use the command line for a few weeks, and
see how often they make files with spaces in their names...  

A place where this commonly causes difficulties, in my experience, is
when one is transferring files with spaces in their names fia FTP.

[I'm well aware that forcing a user to use a particular interface that
does not suit them, when a different interface that does suit them is
available is impractical.  However, if it could be done, even
voluntarily, I believe it would get the point across.  This is not a
practical argument.  It is a contrived argument.  But it makes my

> Also, we have Windows style file managers supplied with both GNOME
> and KDE.

...which is yet another crime perpetrated by Microsoft.  Due to their
dominance (which as we all know, was brought about by some very sleazy
business practices), the Linux community (and other software vendors
too) feel(s) compelled to produce software which is broken (often
litterally, though perhaps not in this case) in some or all (depending
on the situation) the same ways that Windows is broken.  Two wrongs
still don't make a right, no matter how much market share you have.

> Unfortunately, people will continue to create files and directories
> with spaces. Even some of our Linux based systems, like Star Office
> and Netscape will create and possibly suggest files names containing
> spaces. We, as developers or systems management people need to
> recognize the fact that file names will contain spaces and sometimes
> non-printable characters. 

I agree with all that you say, but only reluctantly.  Better to train
users of computers not to use spaces, when they are first learning.
Advice that it can and occasionally does cause problems is valid, and
users who don't use them will be rewarded by not running into these
problems.  Though they may still see for themselves how irritating it
can be when their co-workers produce files that are difficult to
access because their names contain spaces.

Better still, if it were that such systems did not allow spaces in
their names... more on this in a moment.

> I recall a system some time ago that dealt with this automatically, by 
> allowing the use of underscores to refer to files with embedded spaces in 
> the file names. I don't recall, but it may have been one of the Windows 
> emulator systems that used to run on Unix. So, if there was a file (or 
> directory in this case), My Documents, you could type My_Documents which 
> would refer to the same file. 

The only reason I didn't suggest this before is because many people
actually use the underscore, and differentiate it from a space, since
it's possible to do that.  Now you have the problem of distinguishing
between underscores that mean underscores, and underscores that are
spaces.  However, it's possible that some alternate scheme could be
crafted.  It's also possible to simply accept by convention that
underscores mean spaces and will be displayed that way, even if you
typed them originally.

It's fine if a non-command-line user interface wants to allow the user
to use spaces, but preferable if it represented them differently with
some character that would not be interpreted as a shell metacharacter
(or equivalent).  Perhaps a translation table could be provided for
files that contained spaces or other shell metacharacters, much like
what is done for the ISO9660 filesystem...

Personally, I wish operating systems would limit the characters that
can be used in filenames to [A-Za-z0-9.:_=+-]+ or something very
similar.  There's no good reason why other characters NEED to be
allowed,  The only reason I included as much punctuation as I did is
that it is, sometimes, useful to be allowed to have a handful of
characters which are not alphanumeric in your filename.  The few I
chose are the most commonly used ones.

Of course, all this is just my opinion.  ;-)

- -- 
Derek Martin               [EMAIL PROTECTED]    
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