El 24/12/2016 a les 21:14, Eulàlia Pagès i Morales ha escrit:
Només són dues cadenes on hi ha la paraula*demosaic*, en principi ho
havia deixat igual ja que en català no sona gaire estrany, però després,
rumiant he pensat que *Desmosaic* potser és millor.
No sé, si no ho veus clar deixa-ho tal com està.

Ho he canviat.

He comprovat que els fitxers que havia fet s'han pujat i estan fets
quasi en un 98 %, suposo que algunes cadenes estaven en *difús*.


Jo l'any passat estava fent el fitxer *Caixa d'eines transformació,* i
el tinc a mitges i vaig pujar-lo encara que no estava acabat del tot.
Penso que el millor seria que l'acabés del tot, abans de fer altres
El que no tinc tant clar és si puc continuar amb el mateix fitxer que
estava traduint o potser hi ha hagut canvis i hauria de continuar amb un
de nou.

Ja em diràs.

Totalment d'acord.

L'últim canvi que es fa fer a aquest fitxer va ser al Juliol de 2016.

Aquí pots veure l'estat:


T'adjunto el fitxer i pots continuar sobre aquesta versió. Qualsevol cosa em dius.

Bones festes!


Jordi Mas i Hernàndez -Bloc: http://gent.softcatala.org/jmas/bloc/
Planet Softcatalà -> http://planeta.softcatala.org
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: GIMP-Help 2.8.0\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2016-09-08 20:33+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-12-12 21:43+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Konfrare Albert <lakonfrariadelav...@gmail.com>\n"
"Language-Team: Catalan <tradgn...@softcatala.org>\n"
"Language: ca\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"X-Generator: Poedit 1.8.6\n"

#. When image changes, this message will be marked fuzzy or untranslated for you.
#. It doesn't matter what you translate it to: it's not used at all.
#: src/toolbox/transform/shear.xml:28(None)
msgid ""
"@@image: 'images/toolbox/toolbox-shear.png'; "
msgstr ""
"@@image: 'images/toolbox/toolbox-shear.png'; "

#. When image changes, this message will be marked fuzzy or untranslated for you.
#. It doesn't matter what you translate it to: it's not used at all.
#: src/toolbox/transform/shear.xml:49(None)
msgid ""
"@@image: 'images/toolbox/shear-example.png'; "
msgstr ""
"@@image: 'images/toolbox/shear-example.png'; "

#. When image changes, this message will be marked fuzzy or untranslated for you.
#. It doesn't matter what you translate it to: it's not used at all.
#: src/toolbox/transform/shear.xml:103(None)
msgid ""
"@@image: 'images/toolbox/tool-options-shear.png'; "
msgstr ""
"@@image: 'images/toolbox/tool-options-shear.png'; "

#. When image changes, this message will be marked fuzzy or untranslated for you.
#. It doesn't matter what you translate it to: it's not used at all.
#: src/toolbox/transform/shear.xml:129(None)
msgid ""
"@@image: 'images/toolbox/tool-dialog-shear.png'; "
msgstr ""
"@@image: 'images/toolbox/tool-dialog-shear.png'; "

#: src/toolbox/transform/shear.xml:15(title)
#: src/toolbox/transform/shear.xml:18(secondary)
#: src/toolbox/transform/shear.xml:21(primary)
msgid "Shear"
msgstr "Inclina"

#: src/toolbox/transform/shear.xml:17(primary)
#: src/toolbox/transform/scale.xml:18(primary)
#: src/toolbox/transform/rotate.xml:19(primary)
#: src/toolbox/transform/perspective.xml:17(primary)
#: src/toolbox/transform/move.xml:20(primary)
#: src/toolbox/transform/flip.xml:17(primary)
#: src/toolbox/transform/crop.xml:24(primary)
#: src/toolbox/transform/cage.xml:9(primary)
#: src/toolbox/transform/align.xml:19(primary)
msgid "Tools"
msgstr "Eines"

#: src/toolbox/transform/shear.xml:25(title)
#, fuzzy
msgid "The Shear tool in Toolbox"
msgstr "Mo_stra-la a la caixa d'eines"

#: src/toolbox/transform/shear.xml:32(para)
msgid ""
"Shear tool is used to shift one part of an image, a layer, a selection or a "
"path to a direction and the other part to the opposite direction. For "
"instance, a horizontal shearing will shift the upper part to the right and "
"the lower part to the left. A rectangle becomes a diamond. This is not a "
"rotation: the image is distorted. To use this tool after selecting, click on "
"the image or the selection: a grid is possibly surperimposed and the "
"Shearing Information dialog is opened. By dragging the mouse pointer on the "
"image you distort the image, horizontally or vertically according to the "
"direction given to the pointer. When you are satisfied, click on the "
"<guilabel>Shear</guilabel> button in the info dialog to validate."
msgstr ""
"L'eina inclina s'utilitza per moure una part de la imatge, una capa, una "
"selecció o camí cap a una direcció i l'altra part en direcció oposada. Un "
"rectangle es converteix en un diamant. No és una rotació: hi ha una "
"deformació de la imatge. Per utilitzar aquesta eina després de seleccionar-"
"la, feu clic a la imatge o a la selecció: es possible que es superposi una "
"graella sobre la imatge, al mateix temps s'obre una finestra d'informació. "
"La imatge es distorsiona arrossegant-hi per sobre el punter del ratolí; "
"horitzontalment o verticalment segons la direcció del punter. Per validar, "
"feu clic al botó <guilabel>Inclina</guilabel> a la finestra d'informació."

#: src/toolbox/transform/shear.xml:46(title)
#, fuzzy
msgid "Shear example"
msgstr "Supermostratge"

#: src/toolbox/transform/shear.xml:55(para)
msgid ""
"You can't shear both ways at the same time, you have to use the shear tool "
"twice on end."
msgstr ""
"No es pot inclinar simultàniament en les dues direccions, cal utilitzar dues "
"vegades l'eina. "

#: src/toolbox/transform/shear.xml:61(title)
#: src/toolbox/transform/scale.xml:60(title)
#: src/toolbox/transform/rotate.xml:48(title)
#: src/toolbox/transform/perspective.xml:54(title)
#: src/toolbox/transform/move.xml:41(title)
#: src/toolbox/transform/flip.xml:40(title)
#: src/toolbox/transform/crop.xml:89(title)
#: src/toolbox/transform/cage.xml:34(phrase)
#: src/toolbox/transform/align.xml:45(title)
msgid "Activating the Tool"
msgstr "Activació de l’eina"

#: src/toolbox/transform/shear.xml:62(para)
msgid "You can access the Shear Tool in different ways:"
msgstr "Podeu accedir a l'eina Inclina de diferents maneres:"

#: src/toolbox/transform/shear.xml:67(para)
msgid ""
"from the image menu bar <menuchoice><guimenu>Tools</"
"guimenu><guisubmenu>Transform Tools</guisubmenu><guimenuitem>Shear</"
msgstr ""
"des de la barra del menú imatge  <menuchoice><guimenu>Eines</"
"guimenu><guisubmenu>Eines de transformació</guisubmenu><guimenuitem>Inclina</"

#: src/toolbox/transform/shear.xml:77(para)
msgid ""
"by clicking on the tool icon: <guiicon><inlinegraphic fileref=\"images/"
"toolbox/stock-tool-shear-22.png\"/></guiicon> in Toolbox,"
msgstr ""
"Fent clic a la icona eina: <guiicon><inlinegraphic fileref=\"images/toolbox/"
"stock-tool-shear-22.png\"/></guiicon> a la caixa d'eines,"

#: src/toolbox/transform/shear.xml:87(para)
msgid ""
"by using the <keycombo><keycap>Shift</keycap><keycap>S</keycap></keycombo> "
"key combination."
msgstr ""
"utilitzant la combinació de les tecles <keycombo><keycap>Maj</"

#: src/toolbox/transform/shear.xml:97(title)
#: src/toolbox/transform/rotate.xml:100(title)
#: src/toolbox/transform/perspective.xml:87(title)
#: src/toolbox/transform/move.xml:99(title)
#: src/toolbox/transform/flip.xml:89(title)
msgid "Options"
msgstr "Opcions"

#: src/toolbox/transform/shear.xml:99(title)
#, fuzzy
msgid "Shear tool options"
msgstr "Recupera les opcions de totes les eines"

#: src/toolbox/transform/shear.xml:112(term)
msgid "Transform Direction; Interpolation; Clippping; Preview; Guides"
msgstr ""
"Direcció de transformació; Interpolació; Retallat; Previsualització; Guies"

#: src/toolbox/transform/shear.xml:123(title)
#, fuzzy
msgid "Shearing Information"
msgstr "Informació del punter"

#: src/toolbox/transform/shear.xml:125(title)
#, fuzzy
msgid "Shearing Information window"
msgstr "Mostra informació de la versió i surt"

#: src/toolbox/transform/shear.xml:135(term)
#, fuzzy
msgid "Shear magnitude X"
msgstr "Magnitud de la inclinació _X:"

#: src/toolbox/transform/shear.xml:137(para)
msgid ""
"Here, you can set the horizontal shearing amplitude. A positive value "
"produces a clock-wise tilt. A negative value gives a counter-clock-wise "
"tilt. The unit used by shearing are half-pixels."
msgstr ""
"Podeu ajustar l'amplada de la inclinació horitzontal. Un valor positiu "
"s'inclina en sentit horari. Un valor negatiu s'inclina en sentit antihorari. "
"La unitat utilitzada per la inclinació és de mig píxel."

#: src/toolbox/transform/shear.xml:146(term)
#, fuzzy
msgid "Shear magnitude Y"
msgstr "Magnitud de la inclinació _X:"

#: src/toolbox/transform/shear.xml:148(para)
#, fuzzy
msgid "As above, in the vertical direction."
msgstr "La resolució vertical de la imatge."

#. When image changes, this message will be marked fuzzy or untranslated for you.
#. It doesn't matter what you translate it to: it's not used at all.
#: src/toolbox/transform/scale.xml:37(None)
msgid ""
"@@image: 'images/toolbox/toolbox-scale.png'; "
msgstr ""
"@@image: 'images/toolbox/toolbox-scale.png'; "

#. When image changes, this message will be marked fuzzy or untranslated for you.
#. It doesn't matter what you translate it to: it's not used at all.
#: src/toolbox/transform/scale.xml:118(None)
msgid ""
"@@image: 'images/toolbox/tool-options-scale.png'; "
msgstr ""
"@@image: 'images/toolbox/tool-options-scale.png'; "

#. When image changes, this message will be marked fuzzy or untranslated for you.
#. It doesn't matter what you translate it to: it's not used at all.
#: src/toolbox/transform/scale.xml:163(None)
msgid ""
"@@image: 'images/toolbox/tool-dialog-scale.png'; "
msgstr ""
"@@image: 'images/toolbox/tool-dialog-scale.png'; "

#: src/toolbox/transform/scale.xml:15(title)
#: src/toolbox/transform/scale.xml:18(secondary)
#: src/toolbox/transform/scale.xml:21(secondary)
#: src/toolbox/transform/scale.xml:24(secondary)
#: src/toolbox/transform/scale.xml:27(secondary)
msgid "Scale"
msgstr "Escala"

#: src/toolbox/transform/scale.xml:21(primary)
#: src/toolbox/transform/move.xml:258(primary)
msgid "Layer"
msgstr "Capa"

#: src/toolbox/transform/scale.xml:24(primary)
msgid "Selection"
msgstr "Selecció"

#: src/toolbox/transform/scale.xml:27(primary)
#: src/toolbox/transform/move.xml:298(primary)
msgid "Path"
msgstr "Camí"

#: src/toolbox/transform/scale.xml:30(primary)
#, fuzzy
msgid "Scale Layer, selection contour or path"
msgstr "Eina Escala: escala la capa, la selecció o el camí"

#: src/toolbox/transform/scale.xml:34(title)
#, fuzzy
msgid "The Scale tool in Toolbox"
msgstr "Mo_stra-la a la caixa d'eines"

#: src/toolbox/transform/scale.xml:43(title)
#: src/toolbox/transform/rotate.xml:36(title)
msgid "Overview"
msgstr "Resum"

#: src/toolbox/transform/scale.xml:44(para)
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"The Scale Tool is used to scale layers, selections or paths (the Object)."
msgstr "Eina Escala: escala la capa, la selecció o el camí"

#: src/toolbox/transform/scale.xml:48(para)
msgid ""
"When you click on image with the tool the Scaling Information dialog box is "
"opened, allowing to change separately <guilabel>Width</guilabel> and "
"<guilabel>Height</guilabel>. At the same time a Preview (possibly with a "
"grid or an outline) is superimposed on the object and handles appear on "
"corners and borders that you can click and drag to change dimensions. A "
"small circle appears at center of the Preview allowing to move this preview."
msgstr ""
"En fer clic a la imatge amb aquesta eina, apareix el diàleg d'informació "
"Escala; permet canviar separadament l'<guilabel>Amplada</guilabel>i "
"l'<guilabel>Alçada</guilabel>. Al mateix temps se superposa una "
"previsualització (possiblement amb una graella o un contorn) sobre "
"l'objecte, amb nanses a les vores que es poden arrossegar per canviar les "
"dimensions. Un petit cercle apareix al centre de la previsualització i "
"permet moure-la."

#: src/toolbox/transform/scale.xml:61(para)
msgid "You can access the Scale Tool in different ways:"
msgstr "Es pot accedir a l'eina Escala de diferents maneres:"

#: src/toolbox/transform/scale.xml:66(para)
msgid ""
"from the image menu bar <menuchoice><guimenu>Tools</"
"guimenu><guisubmenu>Transform Tools</guisubmenu><guimenuitem>Scale</"
msgstr ""
"des de la barra del menú imatge <menuchoice><guimenu>Eines</"
"guimenu><guisubmenu>Eines de transformació</guisubmenu><guimenuitem>Escala</"

#: src/toolbox/transform/scale.xml:76(para)
msgid ""
"by clicking the tool icon: <guiicon><inlinegraphic fileref=\"images/toolbox/"
"stock-tool-scale-22.png\"/></guiicon> in the Toolbox,"
msgstr ""
"Fent clic a la icona eina: <guiicon><inlinegraphic fileref=\"images/toolbox/"
"stock-tool-scale-22.png\"/></guiicon> a la caixa d'eines,"

#: src/toolbox/transform/scale.xml:85(para)
msgid ""
"by using the <keycombo><keycap>Shift</keycap><keycap>T</keycap></keycombo> "
"key combination."
msgstr ""
"utilitzant la combinació de les tecles <keycombo><keycap>Maj</"

#: src/toolbox/transform/scale.xml:95(title)
#: src/toolbox/transform/rotate.xml:83(title)
#: src/toolbox/transform/flip.xml:73(title)
#: src/toolbox/transform/crop.xml:123(title)
#: src/toolbox/transform/align.xml:77(title)
msgid "Key modifiers (Defaults)"
msgstr "Tecles de control (per defecte)"

#: src/toolbox/transform/scale.xml:99(keycap)
#: src/toolbox/transform/rotate.xml:87(keycap)
#: src/toolbox/transform/flip.xml:77(keycap)
msgid "Ctrl"
msgstr "Ctrl"

#: src/toolbox/transform/scale.xml:102(para)
msgid ""
"Holding the <keycap>Ctrl</keycap> key down will toggle the <guilabel>Keep "
"Aspect</guilabel> option."
msgstr ""
"En prémer la tecla <keycap>Ctrl</keycap>, commuta l'opció <guilabel>Mantenir "
"les proporcions</guilabel>."

#: src/toolbox/transform/scale.xml:112(title)
#: src/toolbox/transform/crop.xml:146(title)
#: src/toolbox/transform/common-features.xml:28(title)
#: src/toolbox/transform/cage.xml:74(title)
#: src/toolbox/transform/align.xml:106(title)
msgid "Tool Options"
msgstr "Opcions de l'eina"

#: src/toolbox/transform/scale.xml:114(title)
#, fuzzy
msgid "Tool options for the Scale tool"
msgstr "Les operacions amb les eines s'ajustaran al camí actiu"

#: src/toolbox/transform/scale.xml:127(term)
#: src/toolbox/transform/perspective.xml:102(term)
msgid "Transform; Interpolation; Direction; Clipping; Preview; Guides"
msgstr ""
"Transformació; Interpolació; Direcció, Retallat; Previsualització; Guies"

#: src/toolbox/transform/scale.xml:133(para)
msgid ""
"The Transform mode works on the active layer only. To work on all layers of "
"the image, use <link linkend=\"gimp-image-scale\">Scale Image</link>."
msgstr ""
"El mode Transformar només funciona a la capa activa. Per actuar en totes les "
"capes de la imatge, utilitzeu <link linkend=\"gimp-image-scale\">Escala la "

#: src/toolbox/transform/scale.xml:142(term)
#, fuzzy
msgid "Keep Aspect (Ctrl)"
msgstr "Conserva l'aspecte (%s)"

#: src/toolbox/transform/scale.xml:144(para)
msgid ""
"When you move a corner of the selection frame, this option will constrain "
"the scale such as the Height/Width ratio of the layer will remain constant. "
"Note that this doesn't work with border handles. Note also that it toggles "
"the linking chain in the dialog."
msgstr ""
"Quan moveu un cantó d'un marc seleccionat, aquesta opció manté constant la "
"relació entre l'alçada i l'amplada. Recordeu que no funciona si a les vores "
"hi ha nanses. Tingueu en compte que també commuta la cadena de connexió en "
"el diàleg."

#: src/toolbox/transform/scale.xml:157(title)
#: src/toolbox/transform/scale.xml:159(title)
#, fuzzy
msgid "The Scaling Information dialog window"
msgstr "Mostra el diàleg d'informació sobre el punter"

#: src/toolbox/transform/scale.xml:169(term)
msgid "Width/Height"
msgstr "Amplada/alçada"

#: src/toolbox/transform/scale.xml:171(para)
msgid ""
"Here, you can set Width and Height you want to give to the object. The "
"default unit of measurement is pixel. You can change it by using the drop-"
"down list. These values are also automatically changed when you drag handles "
"in the image. If the associated linking chain is broken, you can change "
"Width and Height separately."
msgstr ""
"Podeu ajustar l'alçada i l'amplada que voleu donar-li a l'objecte. La unitat "
"de mesura per defecte és el píxel, però es pot canviar mitjançant la llista "
"desplegable. Aquests valors també es modifiquen automàticament en moure les "
"nanses en la imatge. Si es trenca la cadena d'enllaç associada, podeu "
"canviar l'amplada i l'alçada per separat."

#. When image changes, this message will be marked fuzzy or untranslated for you.
#. It doesn't matter what you translate it to: it's not used at all.
#: src/toolbox/transform/rotate.xml:30(None)
msgid ""
"@@image: 'images/toolbox/toolbox-rotate.png'; "
msgstr ""
"@@image: 'images/toolbox/toolbox-rotate.png'; "

#. When image changes, this message will be marked fuzzy or untranslated for you.
#. It doesn't matter what you translate it to: it's not used at all.
#: src/toolbox/transform/rotate.xml:106(None)
msgid ""
"@@image: 'images/toolbox/tool-options-rotate.png'; "
msgstr ""
"@@image: 'images/toolbox/tool-options-rotate.png'; "

#. When image changes, this message will be marked fuzzy or untranslated for you.
#. It doesn't matter what you translate it to: it's not used at all.
#: src/toolbox/transform/rotate.xml:161(None)
msgid ""
"@@image: 'images/toolbox/tool-dialog-rotate.png'; "
msgstr ""
"@@image: 'images/toolbox/tool-dialog-rotate.png'; "

#. When image changes, this message will be marked fuzzy or untranslated for you.
#. It doesn't matter what you translate it to: it's not used at all.
#: src/toolbox/transform/rotate.xml:189(None)
msgid ""
"@@image: 'images/toolbox/transform-guides.png'; "
msgstr ""
"@@image: 'images/toolbox/transform-guides.png'; "

#: src/toolbox/transform/rotate.xml:17(title)
#: src/toolbox/transform/rotate.xml:20(secondary)
#: src/toolbox/transform/rotate.xml:23(primary)
msgid "Rotate"
msgstr "Gira"

#: src/toolbox/transform/rotate.xml:27(title)
#, fuzzy
msgid "The Rotate tool in Toolbox"
msgstr "Mo_stra-la a la caixa d'eines"

#: src/toolbox/transform/rotate.xml:37(para)
msgid ""
"This tool is used to rotate the active layer, a selection or a path. When "
"you click on the image or the selection with this tool a <emphasis>Rotation "
"Information</emphasis> dialog is opened. There, you can set the rotation "
"axis, marked with a point, and the rotation angle. You can do the same by "
"dragging the mouse pointer on the image or the rotation point."
msgstr ""
"Aquesta eina s'utilitza per girar la capa activa, una selecció o un camí. En "
"fer clic a la imatge o a la selecció, apareixerà una finestra "
"d'<emphasis>Informació de rotació</emphasis>, on podreu establir l'eix de "
"rotació, marcat amb un punt, i l'angle de rotació. Podeu fer el mateix "
"arrossegant el punter a sobre la imatge o al punt de rotació."

#: src/toolbox/transform/rotate.xml:49(para)
msgid "You can access the Selection Tool in different ways:"
msgstr "Podeu accedir a l'eina Selecció de diferents maneres:"

#: src/toolbox/transform/rotate.xml:54(para)
msgid ""
"from the image menu bar <menuchoice><guimenu>Tools</"
"guimenu><guisubmenu>Transform Tools</guisubmenu><guimenuitem>Rotate</"
msgstr ""
"des de la barra del menú imatge <menuchoice><guimenu>Eines</"
"guimenu><guisubmenu>Eines de transformació</guisubmenu><guimenuitem>Gira</"

#: src/toolbox/transform/rotate.xml:64(para)
msgid ""
"by clicking the tool icon: <guiicon><inlinegraphic fileref=\"images/toolbox/"
"stock-tool-rotate-22.png\"/></guiicon> in the Toolbox,"
msgstr ""
"Fent clic a la icona eina: <guiicon><inlinegraphic fileref=\"images/toolbox/"
"stock-tool-rotate-22.png\"/></guiicon> a la caixa d'eines,"

#: src/toolbox/transform/rotate.xml:73(para)
msgid ""
"by using the <keycombo><keycap>Shift</keycap><keycap>R</keycap></keycombo> "
"key combination."
msgstr ""
"utilitzant la combinació de les tecles <keycombo><keycap>Maj</"

#: src/toolbox/transform/rotate.xml:90(para)
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Holding <keycap>Ctrl</keycap> will constrain the rotation angle to 15 "
"degrees increments."
msgstr ""
"<tt>Ctrl</tt>-arrossegueu amb l'eina Gira, limitarà la rotació a angles de "
"15 graus. "

#: src/toolbox/transform/rotate.xml:102(title)
msgid "Rotation tool options"
msgstr "Opcions de l'eina <quote>Rotació</quote>"

#: src/toolbox/transform/rotate.xml:115(term)
msgid "Transform; Direction, Interpolation; Clipping; Preview; Guides"
msgstr ""
"Transformació; Direcció; Interpolació; Retallat; Previsualització; Guies"

#: src/toolbox/transform/rotate.xml:123(term)
msgid "Transform Direction"
msgstr "Direcció de transformació"

#: src/toolbox/transform/rotate.xml:125(para)
msgid ""
"The Transform Direction sets which way or direction a layer is rotated. The "
"Normal mode will rotate the layer as one might expect. If a layer is rotated "
"10 degrees to the right, then the layer will be rendered as such. This "
"behaviour is contrary to Corrective rotation."
msgstr ""
"La Direcció de Transformació estableix com girarà la capa. El mode Normal "
"gira la capa tal com s'espera. Si la capa gira 10 graus cap a la dreta, "
"llavors es mostrarà així. Aquest mode és l'oposat al gir Correctiu."

#: src/toolbox/transform/rotate.xml:132(para)
msgid ""
"Corrective Rotation is primarily used to repair digital images that are not "
"straight. If the image is 13 degrees askew then you need not try to rotate "
"by that angle. By using Corrective Rotation you can rotate visually and line "
"up the layer with the image. Because the transformation is reversed, or "
"performed backwards, the image will be rotated with sufficient angle to "
"correct the error."
msgstr ""
"El Gir Correctiu s'utilitza principalment per corregir les imatges que no "
"són rectes. Si la imatge està 13 graus torta, llavors millor no girar-la per "
"aquest angle. Amb el Gir Correctiu podeu girar visualment i alinear la capa "
"amb la imatge. Com que la transformació és reversible (pot fer-se a la "
"inversa), la imatge girarà amb prou angle per corregir l'error."

#: src/toolbox/transform/rotate.xml:144(term)
msgid "Constraints"
msgstr "Restriccions"

#: src/toolbox/transform/rotate.xml:146(para)
msgid ""
"<guilabel>15 Degrees (Ctrl)</guilabel> will constrain the rotation to angles "
"divisible by 15 degrees."
msgstr ""
"<guilabel>15 Graus (Ctrl) </guilabel> restringeix el gir a angles divisibles "
"per 15 graus."

#: src/toolbox/transform/rotate.xml:155(title)
#, fuzzy
msgid "The Rotation Information window"
msgstr "Menú d'informació del punter"

#: src/toolbox/transform/rotate.xml:157(title)
#, fuzzy
msgid "The Rotation Information dialog window"
msgstr "Desacobla l'animació d'aquesta finestra de diàleg"

#: src/toolbox/transform/rotate.xml:167(term)
msgid "Angle"
msgstr "Angle"

#: src/toolbox/transform/rotate.xml:169(para)
msgid "Here you can set the rotation angle, from -180° to +180°, i.e. 360°."
msgstr "Podeu definir el gir de l'angle, de -180° a +180°, en total 360°."

#: src/toolbox/transform/rotate.xml:176(term)
msgid "Center X/Y"
msgstr "Centra X/Y"

#: src/toolbox/transform/rotate.xml:178(para)
msgid ""
"This option allows you to set the position of the rotation center, "
"represented by a cross surrounded by a circle in the image. A click-and-drag "
"on this point also allows you to move this center even outside the image. "
"Default unit of measurement is pixel, but you can change it by using the "
"drop-down list."
msgstr ""
"Aquesta opció permet ajustar la posició del centre de gir, marcat per una "
"creu dins un cercle en la imatge. Fer clic i arrossegar en aquest punt, "
"permet moure el centre fins i tot fora de la imatge. Per defecte, la unitat "
"de mesura és el píxel, però podeu canviar-la mitjançant la llista "

#: src/toolbox/transform/rotate.xml:186(title)
msgid "The rotating center"
msgstr "El centre de gir"

#: src/toolbox/transform/rotate.xml:192(para)
msgid "The layer rotated around the rotating center outside the image"
msgstr "La capa que gira al voltant del centre de rotació fora de la imatge"

#: src/toolbox/transform/rotate.xml:203(para)
msgid ""
"You can also rotate layers with <menuchoice><guimenu>Layer</"
"guimenu><guisubmenu>Transform</guisubmenu><guimenuitem>Arbitrary Rotation..."
msgstr ""
"Podeu girar les capes amb <menuchoice><guimenu>Capa</"
"guimenu><guisubmenu>Transforma</guisubmenu><guimenuitem>Gir arbitrari...</"

#. When image changes, this message will be marked fuzzy or untranslated for you.
#. It doesn't matter what you translate it to: it's not used at all.
#: src/toolbox/transform/perspective.xml:29(None)
msgid ""
"@@image: 'images/toolbox/toolbox-perspective.png'; "
msgstr ""
"@@image: 'images/toolbox/toolbox-perspective.png'; "

#. When image changes, this message will be marked fuzzy or untranslated for you.
#. It doesn't matter what you translate it to: it's not used at all.
#: src/toolbox/transform/perspective.xml:93(None)
msgid ""
"@@image: 'images/toolbox/tool-options-perspective.png'; "
msgstr ""
"@@image: 'images/toolbox/tool-options-perspective.png'; "

#. When image changes, this message will be marked fuzzy or untranslated for you.
#. It doesn't matter what you translate it to: it's not used at all.
#: src/toolbox/transform/perspective.xml:123(None)
msgid ""
"@@image: 'images/toolbox/tool-dialog-perspective.png'; "
msgstr ""
"@@image: 'images/toolbox/tool-dialog-perspective.png'; "

#: src/toolbox/transform/perspective.xml:15(title)
#: src/toolbox/transform/perspective.xml:18(secondary)
#: src/toolbox/transform/perspective.xml:21(primary)
msgid "Perspective"
msgstr "Perspectiva"

#: src/toolbox/transform/perspective.xml:25(title)
msgid "Perspective tool"
msgstr "Eina perspectiva"

#: src/toolbox/transform/perspective.xml:33(para)
msgid ""
"The Perspective Tool is used to change the <quote>perspective</quote> of the "
"active layer content, of a selection content or of a path. When you click on "
"the image, according to the Preview type you have selected, a rectangular "
"frame or a grid pops up around the selection (or around the whole layer if "
"there is no selection), with a handle on each of the four corners. By moving "
"these handles by click-and-drag, you can modify the perspective. At the same "
"time, a <quote>Transformation information</quote> pops up, which lets you "
"valid the transformation. At the center of the element, a circle lets you "
"move the element by click-and-drag."
msgstr ""
"L'eina Perspectiva s'utilitza per canviar la <quote>perspectiva</quote> de "
"la capa activa, el contingut d'una selecció, o la perspectiva d'un camí. En "
"fer clic a la imatge, en funció del que s'hagi triat a la previsualització, "
"apareix al voltant de la selecció un marc rectangular o graella (o a tota la "
"capa si no hi ha selecció), amb una nansa en cadascun dels quatre cantons; "
"per moure-les feu clic i arrossegueu, i així modifiqueu la perspectiva. Al "
"mateix temps apareix una finestra <quote>Informació de transformació</quote> "
"que permet validar la transformació. Al centre de l'element hi ha el cercle "
"que permet moure'l fent clic i arrossegant."

#: src/toolbox/transform/perspective.xml:47(para)
msgid ""
"This tool is not actually a perspective tool, as it doesn't impose "
"perspective rules. It is better described as a distort tool."
msgstr ""
"Aquesta eina no és en realitat una eina de perspectiva, ja que no n'imposa "
"les regles. Més aviat és una eina de distorsió."

#: src/toolbox/transform/perspective.xml:55(para)
msgid "You can access the Perspective tool in different ways:"
msgstr "Podeu accedir a l'eina Perspectiva de diferents maneres:"

#: src/toolbox/transform/perspective.xml:60(para)
msgid ""
"From the image menu bar <guimenuitem>Tools</guimenuitem>/ "
"<guimenuitem>Transform Tools</guimenuitem><guimenuitem>Perspective</"
msgstr ""

#: src/toolbox/transform/perspective.xml:68(para)
msgid ""
"By clicking the tool icon: <guiicon><inlinegraphic fileref=\"images/toolbox/"
"stock-tool-perspective-22.png\"/></guiicon> in Toolbox,"
msgstr ""
"Fent clic a la icona eina: <guiicon><inlinegraphic fileref=\"images/toolbox/"
"stock-tool-perspective-22.png\"/></guiicon> a la caixa d'eines,"

#: src/toolbox/transform/perspective.xml:77(para)
msgid ""
"By using the <keycombo><keycap>Shift</keycap><keycap>P</keycap></keycombo> "
"key combination."
msgstr ""
"utilitzant la combinació de les tecles <keycombo><keycap>Maj</"

#: src/toolbox/transform/perspective.xml:89(title)
msgid "<quote>Perspective</quote> tool options"
msgstr "Opcions de l'eina <quote>Perspectiva</quote>"

#: src/toolbox/transform/perspective.xml:113(title)
#, fuzzy
msgid "The information window for perspective transformation"
msgstr "Transformació de la perspectiva"

#: src/toolbox/transform/perspective.xml:117(title)
#, fuzzy
msgid "The information window of the <quote>Perspective</quote> tool"
msgstr "Transformació de la perspectiva"

#: src/toolbox/transform/perspective.xml:129(term)
msgid "Matrix"
msgstr "Matriu"

#: src/toolbox/transform/perspective.xml:131(para)
msgid ""
"The information window shows a mathematical representation of the "
"perspective transformation. You can find more information about "
"transformation matrices on <ulink url=\"http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/";
msgstr ""
"La finestra d'informació proporciona una representació matemàtica de la "
"transformació de perspectiva. Podeu trobar més informació sobre les matrius "
"a <ulink url=\"http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transformation_Matrices";

#. When image changes, this message will be marked fuzzy or untranslated for you.
#. It doesn't matter what you translate it to: it's not used at all.
#: src/toolbox/transform/move.xml:31(None)
msgid ""
"@@image: 'images/toolbox/toolbox-move.png'; "
msgstr ""
"@@image: 'images/toolbox/toolbox-move.png'; "

#. When image changes, this message will be marked fuzzy or untranslated for you.
#. It doesn't matter what you translate it to: it's not used at all.
#: src/toolbox/transform/move.xml:105(None)
msgid ""
"@@image: 'images/toolbox/tool-options-move.png'; "
msgstr ""
"@@image: 'images/toolbox/tool-options-move.png'; "

#: src/toolbox/transform/move.xml:18(title)
#: src/toolbox/transform/move.xml:21(secondary)
#: src/toolbox/transform/move.xml:24(primary)
#: src/toolbox/transform/move.xml:114(term)
#: src/toolbox/transform/move.xml:259(secondary)
#: src/toolbox/transform/move.xml:283(secondary)
#: src/toolbox/transform/move.xml:299(secondary)
#: src/toolbox/transform/move.xml:315(secondary)
msgid "Move"
msgstr "Mou"

#: src/toolbox/transform/move.xml:28(title)
#, fuzzy
msgid "The Move tool in Toolbox"
msgstr "Mo_stra-la a la caixa d'eines"

#: src/toolbox/transform/move.xml:35(para)
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"The Move Tool is used to move layers, selections, paths or guides. It works "
"also on texts."
msgstr "Eina Mou: mou capes, seleccions i altres objectes"

#: src/toolbox/transform/move.xml:42(para)
msgid "You can access the Move Tool in different ways:"
msgstr "Podeu accedir a l'eina Mou de diferents maneres:"

#: src/toolbox/transform/move.xml:47(para)
msgid ""
"From the image menu bar <menuchoice><guimenu>Tools</"
"guimenu><guisubmenu>Transform Tools</guisubmenu><guimenuitem>Move</"
msgstr ""
"des de la barra del menú imatge <menuchoice><guimenu>Eines</"
"guimenu><guisubmenu>Eines de transformació</guisubmenu><guimenuitem>Mou</"

#: src/toolbox/transform/move.xml:57(para)
msgid ""
"By clicking the tool icon: <guiicon><inlinegraphic fileref=\"images/toolbox/"
msgstr ""
"Fent clic a la icona eina: <guiicon><inlinegraphic fileref=\"images/toolbox/"
"stock-tool-move-22.png\"/></guiicon> a la caixa d'eines."

#: src/toolbox/transform/move.xml:66(para)
msgid "By using the keyboard shortcut <keycap>M</keycap>."
msgstr "Utilitzant la tecla drecera <keycap>M</keycap>."

#: src/toolbox/transform/move.xml:71(para)
msgid "The Move tool is automatically activated when you create a guide."
msgstr "La tecla Mou s'activa automàticament quan es crea una guia"

#: src/toolbox/transform/move.xml:77(primary)
#, fuzzy
msgid "Space bar"
msgstr "Barra d'espai"

#: src/toolbox/transform/move.xml:79(para)
#, fuzzy
#| msgid ""
#| "Holding down the <keycap>space</keycap> bar changes the active tool to "
#| "Move temporarily. The Move tool remains active as long as the space bar "
#| "is held down. The original tool is reactivated after releasing the space "
#| "bar. This behaviour exists only if the <guilabel>Switch to Move tool</"
#| "guilabel> option is enabled in <menuchoice><guimenu>Edit</"
#| "guimenu><guisubmenu>Preferences</guisubmenu><guisubmenu>Image Windows</"
#| "guisubmenu><guimenuitem>Space Bar</guimenuitem></menuchoice>."
msgid ""
"Holding down the <keycap>Space</keycap> bar changes the active tool to Move "
"temporarily. The Move tool remains active as long as the space bar is held "
"down. The original tool is reactivated after releasing the space bar. This "
"behaviour exists only if the <guilabel>Switch to Move tool</guilabel> option "
"is enabled in <menuchoice><guimenu>Edit</guimenu><guisubmenu>Preferences</"
"guisubmenu><guisubmenu>Image Windows</guisubmenu><guimenuitem>Space Bar</"
msgstr ""
"Si quan utilitzeu una eina manteniu polsada la barra <keycap>espaiadora</"
"keycap>, l'eina activa es transformarà temporalment amb l'eina Mou. L'eina "
"Mou es manté activa mentre la barra espaiadora es manté polsada. L'eina "
"original es reactiva quan es deixa anar la barra espai. Aquest comportament "
"només funciona si l'opció <guilabel>Canviar a l'eina Mou</guilabel> està "
"activada a <menuchoice><guimenu>Edita</guimenu><guisubmenu>Preferències</"
"guisubmenu><guisubmenu>Finestres de la imatge</guisubmenu><guimenuitem>Barra "

#: src/toolbox/transform/move.xml:101(title)
msgid "Move Tool options"
msgstr "Opcions de l'eina <quote>Mou</quote>"

#: src/toolbox/transform/move.xml:117(para)
msgid "Keep in mind that your Move choice persists after quitting the tool."
msgstr ""
"Tingueu en compte que l'elecció <quote>Mou</quote> persistirà després de "
"deixar l'eina."

#: src/toolbox/transform/move.xml:124(term)
#, fuzzy
msgid "Tool toggle (Shift)"
msgstr "Commutador d'eines (%s)"

#. Using a <phrase> prevents the <guiicon> from being included
#.                 in the "msgid" of the po file. So remove the <phrase> tags
#.                 only if necessary for translating.
#: src/toolbox/transform/move.xml:133(phrase)
msgid "If Move is on <quote>Layer</quote>"
msgstr "Si Mou està a la <quote>Capa</quote>"

#: src/toolbox/transform/move.xml:139(term)
msgid "Pick a layer or guide"
msgstr "Selecciona una capa o guia"

#: src/toolbox/transform/move.xml:141(para)
msgid ""
"On an image with several layers, the mouse pointer turns to a crosshair when "
"it goes over an element belonging to the current layer. Then you can click-"
"and-drag it. If the mouse pointer has a small hand shape (showing that you "
"do <emphasis>not</emphasis> pick an element of the active layer), you will "
"move a non-active layer instead (it becomes the active layer while moving)."
msgstr ""
"En una imatge amb diverses capes, el punter del ratolí adopta la forma de la "
"creu quan passa per sobre un element que pertany a la capa activa. Llavors "
"feu clic i arrossegueu. Si el punter té la forma d'una mà petita (mostrant "
"que <emphasis>no</emphasis> agafeu un element de la capa activa), en el seu "
"lloc moureu una capa no activa (esdevindrà la capa activa quan es mogui)."

#: src/toolbox/transform/move.xml:150(para)
msgid ""
"If a guide exists on your image, it will turn to red when the mouse pointer "
"goes over. Then it is activated and you can move it."
msgstr ""
"Si hi ha una guia a la imatge, es tornarà vermella quan el punter passi per "
"sobre. Llavors s'activarà i la podràs moure."

#: src/toolbox/transform/move.xml:158(term)
msgid "Move the active layer"
msgstr "Mou la capa activa"

#: src/toolbox/transform/move.xml:160(para)
msgid ""
"Only the current layer will be moved. This may be useful if you want to move "
"a layer with transparent areas, where you can easily pick the wrong layer."
msgstr ""
"Només la capa actual es mourà. Això pot ser útil quan es vol moure una capa "
"amb àrees transparents, en què sense voler podeu seleccionar la capa "
"equivocada. "

#. see above
#: src/toolbox/transform/move.xml:171(phrase)
msgid "If Move is on <quote>Selection</quote>"
msgstr "Si Mou és a la <quote>Selecció</quote>"

#: src/toolbox/transform/move.xml:176(para)
msgid ""
"The selection's outline will be moved (see <xref linkend=\"gimp-using-"
msgstr ""
"El contorn de la selecció es mourà (veure <xref linkend=\"gimp-using-"

#. see above
#: src/toolbox/transform/move.xml:188(phrase)
msgid "If Move is on <quote>Path</quote>"
msgstr "Si Mou és al <quote>Camí</quote>"

#: src/toolbox/transform/move.xml:194(term)
msgid "Pick a path"
msgstr "Selecciona un camí"

#: src/toolbox/transform/move.xml:196(para)
msgid ""
"That's the default option. The mouse pointer turns to a small hand when it "
"goes over a <link linkend=\"gimp-path-dialog-using\">visible path</link>. "
"Then you can move this path by click-and-dragging it (it will be the active "
"path while moving)."
msgstr ""
"Aquesta és l'opció per defecte. El punter del ratolí es converteix amb una "
"petita mà quan passa per sobre un <link linkend=\"gimp-path-dialog-using"
"\">camí visible</link>. Llavors moveu el camí fent clic i arrossega (el camí "
"serà actiu mentre es mogui) "

#: src/toolbox/transform/move.xml:206(term)
msgid "Move the active path"
msgstr "Mou el camí actiu"

#: src/toolbox/transform/move.xml:208(para)
msgid ""
"Only the current path will be moved. You can change the current path in the "
"<link linkend=\"gimp-path-dialog\">Path Dialog</link>."
msgstr ""
"Només es mourà el camí actiu. Podeu canviar el camí actual a <link linkend="
"\"gimp-path-dialog\">Diàleg del camí</link>."

#: src/toolbox/transform/move.xml:222(title)
msgid "Summary of Move tool actions"
msgstr "Resum de les accions de l'eina Mou"

#: src/toolbox/transform/move.xml:225(term)
#, fuzzy
msgid "Moving a selection"
msgstr "Selecció flotant"

#: src/toolbox/transform/move.xml:227(para)
msgid ""
"The Move tool allows to move the selection outline only. If the Move Mode is "
"<quote>Layer</quote>, you must hold down <keycombo><keycap>Ctrl</"
"keycap><keycap>Alt</keycap></keycombo> keys."
msgstr ""
"L'eina Mou només permet moure el contorn de la selecció. Si el mode Mou està "
"a la  <quote>Capa</quote>, teniu que prémer les tecles "

#: src/toolbox/transform/move.xml:232(para)
msgid ""
"If the Move Mode is Selection, you can click-and-drag any point in canvas to "
"move the selection outline. You can also use the arrow keys to move "
"selections precisely. Then, holding down the <keycap> Shift</keycap> key "
"moves then by increments of 25 pixels."
msgstr ""
"Si el mode Mou està a Selecció, podeu fer clic i arrossegar qualsevol punt "
"del llenç per moure el contorn de la selecció. Podeu utilitzar les tecles "
"del cursor per moure amb més precisió (píxel a píxel); i amb la tecla "
"<keycap>Maj</keycap> premuda, el moviment serà en increments de 25 píxels."

#: src/toolbox/transform/move.xml:238(para)
msgid ""
"When you move a selection with the Move tool, the center of the selection is "
"marked with a small cross. This cross and selection boundaries snap to "
"guides or grid if the <menuchoice><guimenu>View</guimenu><guimenuitem>Snap "
"to Guides (or Grid)</guimenuitem></menuchoice> option is checked: this makes "
"aligning selections easier."
msgstr ""
"Quan moveu la selecció amb l'eina Mou, el centre de la selecció queda marcat "
"amb una petita creu. La creu i els límits de la selecció s'ajusten a les "
"guies o graella si l'opció  <menuchoice><guimenu>Visualitza</"
"guimenu><guimenuitem>Ajusta a les guies (o graella)</guimenuitem></"
"menuchoice> està activada: això facilita l'alineació de la selecció."

#: src/toolbox/transform/move.xml:248(para)
msgid ""
"See <link linkend=\"gimp-using-selections-moving\">Moving selections</link> "
"for other possibilities."
msgstr ""
"Mireu altres possibilitats a <link linkend=\"gimp-using-selections-moving"
"\">Moure seleccions</link>"

#: src/toolbox/transform/move.xml:255(term)
msgid "Moving a layer"
msgstr "Moure una capa"

#: src/toolbox/transform/move.xml:261(para)
msgid ""
"The Move Mode must be <quote>Layer</quote>. Then you can choose between "
"<guilabel>Move the Active Layer</guilabel> and, if you have one or more "
"layers, <guilabel>Point to Layer (or Guide)</guilabel>."
msgstr ""
"El Mode Mou ha de ser a <quote>Capa</quote>. A continuació podreu triar "
"entre <guilabel>Moure la Capa Activa</guilabel> i, si teniu una o més d'una "
"capa, <guilabel>marcar una capa (o guia)</guilabel> en particular."

#: src/toolbox/transform/move.xml:270(term)
#, fuzzy
msgid "Moving Grouped Layers"
msgstr "Mou la capa"

#: src/toolbox/transform/move.xml:272(para)
msgid ""
"If layers are grouped (with the little chain symbol) they will all move, "
"regardless of which layer is currently active."
msgstr ""
"Si les capes estan lligades (amb el símbol de la cadena) es mouran en bloc, "
"independentment de quina capa estigui activa."

#: src/toolbox/transform/move.xml:279(term)
#, fuzzy
msgid "Moving a guide"
msgstr "Sense guies"

#: src/toolbox/transform/move.xml:282(primary)
msgid "Guide"
msgstr "Guia"

#: src/toolbox/transform/move.xml:285(para)
msgid ""
"When you pull a guide from a ruler, the Move tool is automatically "
"activated. That's not the case after using another tool, and you have to "
"activate it by yourself. When the mouse pointer goes over a guide, this "
"guide turns to red and you can click-and-drag to move it."
msgstr ""
"Quan traieu una guia del regle, l'eina Mou s'activa automàticament. No és el "
"cas després d'utilitzar una altra eina que haureu d'activar. Quan el punter "
"del ratolí passa per sobre una guia, aquesta es torna vermella i la podeu "
"moure amb un clic i arrossega. "

#: src/toolbox/transform/move.xml:295(term)
#, fuzzy
msgid "Moving a path"
msgstr "Selecciona un camí"

#: src/toolbox/transform/move.xml:301(para)
msgid ""
"The Path Tool dialog has its own moving function: see <xref linkend=\"gimp-"
"tool-path\"/>. But you can also use the Move Tool. The Move Mode must be set "
"to <quote>Path</quote>. Note that the path becomes invisible; make it "
"visible in the Path Dialog. You can choose the path to be moved or move the "
"active path."
msgstr ""
"El diàleg de l'eina Camí té la seva pròpia funció: mireu <xref linkend="
"\"gimp-tool-path\"/>. Però també podeu utilitzar l'eina Mou. El mode Mou "
"s'ha d'activar a <quote>Camí</quote>. No oblideu que el camí esdevé "
"invisible quan s'activa l'eina, es fa visible en el Diàleg del camí. Podeu "
"triar el camí que s'ha de moure o moure el camí actiu."

#: src/toolbox/transform/move.xml:311(term)
#, fuzzy
msgid "Moving a text"
msgstr "Farciment al voltant del text"

#: src/toolbox/transform/move.xml:314(primary)
msgid "Text"
msgstr "Text"

#: src/toolbox/transform/move.xml:317(para)
msgid ""
"Every text has its own layer and can be moved as layers. See <xref linkend="
msgstr ""
"Cada text té la seva pròpia capa i es pot moure com capes. Vegeu <xref "

#. When image changes, this message will be marked fuzzy or untranslated for you.
#. It doesn't matter what you translate it to: it's not used at all.
#: src/toolbox/transform/flip.xml:28(None)
msgid ""
"@@image: 'images/toolbox/toolbox-flip.png'; "
msgstr ""
"@@image: 'images/toolbox/toolbox-flip.png'; "

#. When image changes, this message will be marked fuzzy or untranslated for you.
#. It doesn't matter what you translate it to: it's not used at all.
#: src/toolbox/transform/flip.xml:94(None)
msgid ""
"@@image: 'images/toolbox/tool-options-flip.png'; "
msgstr ""
"@@image: 'images/toolbox/tool-options-flip.png'; "

#: src/toolbox/transform/flip.xml:15(title)
#: src/toolbox/transform/flip.xml:18(secondary)
#: src/toolbox/transform/flip.xml:21(primary)
msgid "Flip"
msgstr "Capgira"

#: src/toolbox/transform/flip.xml:25(title)
#, fuzzy
msgid "Flip tool"
msgstr "Capgira el camí"

#: src/toolbox/transform/flip.xml:32(para)
msgid ""
"The Flip tool provides the ability to flip layers or selections either "
"horizontally or vertically. When a selection is flipped, a new layer with a "
"Floating Selection is created. You can use this tool to create reflections."
msgstr ""
"L'eina Capgira fa capgirar les capes o seleccions, tant horitzontalment com "
"verticalment. Quan una selecció s'inverteix, es crea una nova capa amb la "
"Selecció flotant. Podeu utilitzar aquesta eina per crear reflexos."

#: src/toolbox/transform/flip.xml:41(para)
msgid "You can access the Flip Tool in different ways:"
msgstr "Podeu accedir a l'eina Capgira de diferents maneres:"

#: src/toolbox/transform/flip.xml:46(para)
msgid ""
"From the image menu bar <guimenuitem>Tools</guimenuitem>/ "
"<guimenuitem>Transform Tools</guimenuitem><guimenuitem>Flip</guimenuitem>,"
msgstr ""
"Des de la barra del menú imatge <menuchoice><guimenu>Eines</"
"guimenu><guisubmenu>Eines de transformació</guisubmenu><guimenuitem>Capgira</"

#: src/toolbox/transform/flip.xml:54(para)
msgid ""
"By clicking the tool icon: <guiicon><inlinegraphic fileref=\"images/toolbox/"
"stock-tool-flip-22.png\"/></guiicon> in Toolbox,"
msgstr ""
"Fent clic a la icona eina: <guiicon><inlinegraphic fileref=\"images/toolbox/"
"stock-tool-flip-22.png\"/></guiicon> a la caixa d'eines."

#: src/toolbox/transform/flip.xml:63(para)
msgid ""
"by using the <keycombo><keycap>Shift</keycap><keycap>F</keycap></keycombo> "
"key combination."
msgstr ""
"utilitzant la combinació de les tecles <keycombo><keycap>Maj</"

#: src/toolbox/transform/flip.xml:80(para)
msgid ""
"<keycap>Ctrl</keycap> lets you change the modes between horizontal and "
"vertical flipping."
msgstr ""
"La tecla <keycap>Ctrl</keycap> permet canviar els modes de capgirament entre "
"el vertical i l'horitzontal."

#: src/toolbox/transform/flip.xml:91(title)
msgid "<quote>Flip Tool</quote> Options"
msgstr "Opcions de l'eina <quote>Capgira</quote>"

# Albert: Fa referència a 3 botons per seleccionar si l'eina afectarà la selecció, la capa activa o el camí.
#: src/toolbox/transform/flip.xml:103(term)
#, fuzzy
msgid "Affect"
msgstr "Element on treballa l'eina:"

#: src/toolbox/transform/flip.xml:109(term)
#, fuzzy
msgid "Flip Type"
msgstr "Tipus de capgirament (%s)"

#: src/toolbox/transform/flip.xml:111(para)
msgid ""
"The Tool Toggle settings control flipping in either a Horizontal or Vertical "
"direction. This toggle can also be switched using a key modifier."
msgstr ""
"Podeu triar la direcció del capgirament, horitzontal o vertical. La tecla "
"Ctrl permet commutar entre les dues direccions."

#. When image changes, this message will be marked fuzzy or untranslated for you.
#. It doesn't matter what you translate it to: it's not used at all.
#: src/toolbox/transform/crop.xml:37(None)
msgid ""
"@@image: 'images/toolbox/toolbox-crop.png'; "
msgstr ""
"@@image: 'images/toolbox/toolbox-crop.png'; "

#. When image changes, this message will be marked fuzzy or untranslated for you.
#. It doesn't matter what you translate it to: it's not used at all.
#: src/toolbox/transform/crop.xml:81(None)
msgid ""
"@@image: 'images/toolbox/display_ratio.png'; "
msgstr ""
"@@image: 'images/toolbox/display_ratio.png'; "

#. When image changes, this message will be marked fuzzy or untranslated for you.
#. It doesn't matter what you translate it to: it's not used at all.
#: src/toolbox/transform/crop.xml:151(None)
msgid ""
"@@image: 'images/toolbox/tool-options-crop.png'; "
msgstr ""
"@@image: 'images/toolbox/tool-options-crop.png'; "

#. When image changes, this message will be marked fuzzy or untranslated for you.
#. It doesn't matter what you translate it to: it's not used at all.
#: src/toolbox/transform/crop.xml:180(None)
msgid ""
"@@image: 'images/toolbox/crop-grow-1.png'; "
msgstr ""
"@@image: 'images/toolbox/crop-grow-1.png'; "

#. When image changes, this message will be marked fuzzy or untranslated for you.
#. It doesn't matter what you translate it to: it's not used at all.
#: src/toolbox/transform/crop.xml:188(None)
msgid ""
"@@image: 'images/toolbox/crop-grow-2.png'; "
msgstr ""
"@@image: 'images/toolbox/crop-grow-2.png'; "

#. When image changes, this message will be marked fuzzy or untranslated for you.
#. It doesn't matter what you translate it to: it's not used at all.
#: src/toolbox/transform/crop.xml:199(None)
msgid ""
"@@image: 'images/toolbox/crop-grow-3.png'; "
msgstr ""
"@@image: 'images/toolbox/crop-grow-3.png'; "

#. When image changes, this message will be marked fuzzy or untranslated for you.
#. It doesn't matter what you translate it to: it's not used at all.
#: src/toolbox/transform/crop.xml:316(None)
#, fuzzy
#| msgid ""
#| "@@image: 'images/toolbox/auto-shrink1.png'; "
#| "md5=2db43832fff86a24194dc3deab1afb3a"
msgid ""
"@@image: 'images/toolbox/autoshrink-1.png'; "
msgstr ""
"@@image: 'images/toolbox/auto-shrink1.png'; "

#. When image changes, this message will be marked fuzzy or untranslated for you.
#. It doesn't matter what you translate it to: it's not used at all.
#: src/toolbox/transform/crop.xml:327(None)
#, fuzzy
#| msgid ""
#| "@@image: 'images/toolbox/auto-shrink2.png'; "
#| "md5=f3cf71c73847af377b515806a98ece07"
msgid ""
"@@image: 'images/toolbox/autoshrink-2.png'; "
msgstr ""
"@@image: 'images/toolbox/auto-shrink2.png'; "

#: src/toolbox/transform/crop.xml:18(title)
#: src/toolbox/transform/crop.xml:21(primary)
#: src/toolbox/transform/crop.xml:25(secondary)
#: src/toolbox/transform/crop.xml:29(secondary)
msgid "Crop"
msgstr "Escapça"

#: src/toolbox/transform/crop.xml:28(primary)
msgid "Image"
msgstr "Imatge"

#: src/toolbox/transform/crop.xml:30(tertiary)
msgid "Tool"
msgstr "Eina"

#: src/toolbox/transform/crop.xml:34(title)
#, fuzzy
msgid "Crop tool"
msgstr "Eina de tall"

#: src/toolbox/transform/crop.xml:41(para)
msgid ""
"The Crop Tool is used to crop or clip an image. It works on all the layers "
"of the image, visible and invisible. This tool is often used to remove "
"borders, or to eliminate unwanted areas to provide you with a more focused "
"working area. It is also useful if you need a specific image size that does "
"not match the original dimensions of your image."
msgstr ""
"L'eina Escapça s'utilitza per tallar una imatge. Afecta totes les capes de "
"la imatge, visibles i invisibles. S'utilitza sobretot per eliminar vores, o "
"eliminar zones indesitjables per tal de proporcionar una àrea de treball més "
"concentrada. És útil si necessiteu una mida d'imatge específica diferent de "
"les dimensions originals de la imatge."

#: src/toolbox/transform/crop.xml:48(para)
msgid ""
"Just like the selection tools, the new crop tool has been enhanced with the "
"v2.4 release. The resize handles actually resize the crop rectangle instead "
"of providing both resize and move functionality. The tool behaves more "
"naturally and consistently with other GIMP tools. To move, simply drag the "
"rectangle clicking within the area. Resizing is possible in one or two axes "
"at the same time dragging the handle-bars on the sides and corners. The "
"outside area can be darkened with a nice passepartout effect to better get "
"the idea of how the final crop will look like. To validate cropping, click "
"inside the crop rectangle or press the <keycap>Enter</keycap> key."
msgstr ""
"Com les eines de selecció, la nova eina escapça s'ha millorat en la versió "
"2.4. Les nanses de redimensionar només redimensionen el tall del rectangle "
"en comptes de permetre també el desplaçament. Per moure, cal arrossegar el "
"rectangle fent clic a l'àrea. És possible redimensionar un o dos eixos "
"arrossegant-los cap a les vores i als cantons. La zona que s'elimina pot ser "
"enfosquida, així es pot tenir una idea de com serà el tall final. Per "
"validar el tall, feu clic a dins el rectangle o premeu la tecla retorn."

#: src/toolbox/transform/crop.xml:60(para)
msgid ""
"When the mouse becomes the moving cross-hair, you can use the keyboard arrow "
"keys to move the crop rectangle. Holding the <keycap>Shift</keycap> key down "
"allows to move by increments of 25 pixels."
msgstr ""
"Quan el punter del ratolí té forma de creu en moviment, podeu utilitzar els "
"cursors de fletxa del teclat per moure el rectangle d'escapçar. Mantenir "
"polsada la tecla <keycap>Maj</keycap> permet un increment de 25 píxels."

#: src/toolbox/transform/crop.xml:65(para)
msgid ""
"You can use Guides to position the crop area. Make sure that the "
"<menuchoice><guimenu>View</guimenu><guimenuitem>Snap to Guides</"
"guimenuitem></menuchoice> option is checked."
msgstr ""
"Podeu utilitzar les guies per marcar l'àrea de tall. Assegureu-vos que "
"<menuchoice><guimenu>Visualitza</guimenu><guimenuitem>Ajustar les guies </"
"guimenuitem></menuchoice> està activat."

#: src/toolbox/transform/crop.xml:74(para)
msgid "You can see the aspect ratio in the status bar: <placeholder-1/>"
msgstr "Podeu veure les proporcions a la barra d'estat: <placeholder-1/>"

#: src/toolbox/transform/crop.xml:90(para)
msgid "You can activate this tool in different ways:"
msgstr "L'eina es pot activar de diferents maneres:"

#: src/toolbox/transform/crop.xml:95(para)
msgid ""
"From the image menu bar <menuchoice><guimenu>Tools</"
"guimenu><guisubmenu>Transform tools</guisubmenu><guimenuitem>Crop</"
msgstr ""
"Des de la barra del menú imatge <menuchoice><guimenu>Eines</"
"guimenu><guisubmenu>Eines de transformació</guisubmenu><guimenuitem>Escapça</"

#: src/toolbox/transform/crop.xml:105(para)
msgid ""
"by clicking the tool icon: <guiicon><inlinegraphic fileref=\"images/toolbox/"
"stock-tool-crop-22.png\"/></guiicon>in the ToolBox,"
msgstr ""
"Fent clic a la icona eina: <guiicon><inlinegraphic fileref=\"images/toolbox/"
"stock-tool-crop-22.png\"/></guiicon> a la caixa d'eines."

#: src/toolbox/transform/crop.xml:114(para)
msgid ""
"by using the keyboard shortcut <keycombo><keycap>Shift</keycap><keycap>C</"
msgstr ""
"utilitzant la combinació de les tecles <keycombo><keycap>Maj</"

#: src/toolbox/transform/crop.xml:124(para)
msgid "When you maintain click on the crop rectangle, handles disappear and"
msgstr ""
"Quan es manté el clic sobre el rectangle de tall, les nanses desapareixen i"

#: src/toolbox/transform/crop.xml:130(para)
msgid ""
"holding down the <keycap>Ctrl</keycap> key toggles to the <guilabel>Extend "
"from Center</guilabel> option,"
msgstr ""
"prement la tecla <keycap>Ctrl</keycap> es commuta l'opció "
"<guilabel>Estendre's des del centre</guilabel> "

#: src/toolbox/transform/crop.xml:136(para)
msgid ""
"holding down the <keycap>Shift</keycap> key toggles to the <guilabel>Fixed</"
"guilabel> option, which makes some dimensions fixed."
msgstr ""
"prement la tecla <keycap>Maj</keycap> es commuta a l'opció <guilabel>Fixe</"
"guilabel>, que permet fixar algunes dimensions."

#: src/toolbox/transform/crop.xml:148(title)
msgid "Tool Options for the <quote>Crop</quote> tool"
msgstr "Opcions de l'eina <quote>Escapça</quote>"

#: src/toolbox/transform/crop.xml:160(term)
#, fuzzy
msgid "Current Layer Only"
msgstr "Només la capa actual"

#: src/toolbox/transform/crop.xml:162(para)
msgid "This option will make crop affect only the active layer."
msgstr "Aquesta opció farà l'efecte escapça només a la capa activa."

#: src/toolbox/transform/crop.xml:168(term)
msgid "Allow Growing"
msgstr "Permet créixer"

#: src/toolbox/transform/crop.xml:170(para)
msgid ""
"This option allows the crop or resize to take place outside the image (or "
"layer), and even the canvas. So, you can give the size you want to the "
"resulting image. Transparency will be used if there is no material to crop."
msgstr ""
"Aquesta opció permet escapçar més enllà dels límits de la imatge (o capa), i "
"fins i tot el llenç. Així podeu donar la mida que vulgueu a la imatge "
"resultant. La transparència s'utilitzarà si no hi ha material per escapçar."

#: src/toolbox/transform/crop.xml:177(title)
msgid "Example for <quote>Allow Growing</quote>"
msgstr "Exemple per <quote>Permetre l'engrandiment</quote>   "

#: src/toolbox/transform/crop.xml:183(para)
msgid "An image on a big canvas"
msgstr "Una imatge en un llenç gran"

#: src/toolbox/transform/crop.xml:191(para)
msgid "The option is checked. The crop rectangle extends outside the canvas."
msgstr ""
"L'opció està marcada: el rectangle del tall s'estén més enllà del llenç."

#: src/toolbox/transform/crop.xml:202(para)
msgid "The resulting image."
msgstr "  La imatge resultant "

#: src/toolbox/transform/crop.xml:209(term)
#, fuzzy
msgid "Expand from Center"
msgstr "Expandeix des del centre"

#: src/toolbox/transform/crop.xml:211(para)
msgid ""
"When this option is checked, the crop rectangle expands from the first pixel "
"you clicked taken for center. You can toggle this option with <keycap>Ctrl</"
"keycap> while drawing the crop rectangle."
msgstr ""
"Quan s'activa aquesta opció, el rectangle de tall s'estén des del primer "
"píxel premut agafat pel centre. Podeu commutar l'opció amb <keycap>Ctrl</"
"keycap> mentre traceu un rectangle de tall. "

#: src/toolbox/transform/crop.xml:220(term)
msgid "Fixed"
msgstr "Fixat"

#: src/toolbox/transform/crop.xml:222(para)
msgid ""
"You can also access this option by holding down the <keycap>Ctrl</keycap> "
"key while drawing the crop rectangle. This option offers you several to make "
"drawing the crop rectangle respect fixed dimensions, or their ratio:"
msgstr ""
"També podeu accedir a aquesta opció prement la tecla <keycap>Ctrl</keycap> "
"mentre marqueu el  rectangle de tall. El tall respectarà una relació de "
"dimensions fixes entre l'amplada i l'alçada."

#: src/toolbox/transform/crop.xml:230(para)
msgid ""
"<guilabel>Aspect ratio</guilabel>: That's the default possibility. Width and "
"Height keep the same ratio they have in the original image, when drawing the "
"crop rectangle."
msgstr ""
"<guilabel>Proporcions</guilabel>: és l'opció per defecte. L'amplada i "
"l'alçada mantenen la proporció que tenen en la imatge original, quan es "
"dibuixa el rectangle de tall."

#: src/toolbox/transform/crop.xml:237(para)
msgid ""
"<guilabel>Width / Height</guilabel>: Only Width or Height will remain fixed. "
"The value of this dimension can be set in the text box below; it defaults to "
"100 pixels."
msgstr ""
"<guilabel>Amplada / Alçada</guilabel>: Només l'Amplada o l'Alçada és fixe. "
"El valor d'aquesta dimensió pot ser definit en el quadre de text de sota. El "
"valor per defecte és de 100 píxels."

#: src/toolbox/transform/crop.xml:244(para)
msgid ""
"<guilabel>Size</guilabel>: Both Width and Height will be fixed. Their values "
"can be set in the text box below, in the form <quote>150x100</quote> for "
"example. The crop rectangle will adopt this values as soon as you click the "
"image. On the right, two buttons let you choose a <guibutton>Landscape</"
"guibutton> (widthwise) or <guibutton>Portrait</guibutton> (upright) format "
"for the crop rectangle."
msgstr ""
"<guilabel>Mida</guilabel>: l'alçada i l'amplada seran fixes. Els seus valors "
"es poden definir en el quadre de text de sota, com  per exemple "
"<quote>150x50</quote>. El rectangle de tall adoptarà aquests valors tan "
"aviat com feu clic a la imatge. A la dreta, dos botons permeten seleccionar "
"un format <guibutton>Paisatge</guibutton> (amplada) o <guibutton>Retrat</"
"guibutton> (alçada) per al rectangle de tall."

#: src/toolbox/transform/crop.xml:259(term)
msgid "Position"
msgstr "Posició"

#: src/toolbox/transform/crop.xml:261(para)
msgid ""
"These two text boxes show the position (horizontal on the left, vertical on "
"the right) of the upper left corner of the crop rectangle in real time and "
"you can change it manually too. It is stated in pixels, but you can change "
"the unit thanks to the drop-down list of the <guibutton>px</guibutton> "
"button. The coordinate origin is the upper left corner of the canvas (not of "
"the image)."
msgstr ""
"Aquests dos quadres mostren en temps real la posició (horitzontal a "
"l'esquerre, vertical a la dreta) des del cantó superior esquerra del "
"rectangle de tall, es pot canviar manualment. S'especifica en píxels, però "
"es pot canviar la unitat gràcies a la llista desplegable del botó "
"<guibutton>px</guibutton>. Les coordenades d'origen són al cantó superior "
"esquerre del llenç (no de la imatge)."

#: src/toolbox/transform/crop.xml:273(term)
msgid "Size"
msgstr "Mida"

#: src/toolbox/transform/crop.xml:275(para)
msgid ""
"These two text boxes show the size (horizontal on the left, vertical on the "
"right) of the crop-rectangle in real time and you can change it manually "
"too. It is stated in pixels, but you can change the unit thanks to the drop-"
"down list of the <guibutton>px</guibutton> button."
msgstr ""
"Aquests dos quadres mostren en temps real la mida  (horitzontal a "
"l'esquerre, vertical a la dreta) del rectangle de tall, es pot canviar "
"manualment. S'especifica en píxels, però es pot canviar la unitat gràcies a "
"la llista desplegable del botó <guibutton>px</guibutton>."

#: src/toolbox/transform/crop.xml:285(term)
msgid "Highlight"
msgstr "Ressaltat"

#: src/toolbox/transform/crop.xml:287(para)
msgid ""
"This option toggles the dark outside area intended for highlighting the crop "
msgstr ""
"Aquesta opció commuta la foscor de la zona perifèrica pel ressaltat del "
"rectangle de tall."

#: src/toolbox/transform/crop.xml:294(term)
#: src/toolbox/transform/common-features.xml:353(term)
#: src/toolbox/transform/common-features.xml:357(secondary)
#: src/toolbox/transform/common-features.xml:360(primary)
msgid "Guides"
msgstr "Guies"

#: src/toolbox/transform/crop.xml:296(para)
msgid ""
"All kinds of guides are described in <xref linkend=\"gimp-tool-rect-select\"/"
msgstr ""
"Tots els tipus de guies es descriuen a <xref linkend=\"gimp-tool-rect-select"

#: src/toolbox/transform/crop.xml:303(term)
#, fuzzy
msgid "Autoshrink"
msgstr "Encongeix automàtic"

#: src/toolbox/transform/crop.xml:305(para)
msgid ""
"The Auto Shrink button will attempt to locate a border, in the active layer, "
"from which to draw dimensions from. This option only works well with "
"isolated objects contrasting sharply with background."
msgstr ""
"El botó Auto Encongir intentarà localitzar una vora a la capa activa per "
"adaptar-s'hi. Aquesta opció només funciona bé amb objectes aïllats que "
"contrasten nítidament amb el fons."

#: src/toolbox/transform/crop.xml:312(title)
msgid "Example for <quote>Autoshrink</quote>"
msgstr "Exemple per <quote>Auto Encongir</quote>"

#: src/toolbox/transform/crop.xml:319(para)
msgid "An image with a sharp limit in it and a crop rectangle."
msgstr "Una imatge amb un límit nítid i un rectangle de tall."

#: src/toolbox/transform/crop.xml:330(para)
msgid ""
"After clicking the Autoshrink button, the crop rectangle has been shrunk to "
"fit the sharp limits."
msgstr ""
"Després de fer clic al botó Auto Encongir, el rectangle de tall s'ha "
"encongit per adaptar-se els límits nets."

#: src/toolbox/transform/crop.xml:340(term)
#, fuzzy
msgid "Shrink Merged"
msgstr "Encongeix a totes les capes"

#: src/toolbox/transform/crop.xml:342(para)
msgid ""
"This option works the same, with Auto Shrink or not. It uses the pixel "
"information from all <emphasis>visible</emphasis> layers, rather than just "
"from the active layer."
msgstr ""
"Aquesta opció funciona igualment amb o sense l'Auto Encongir. Utilitza la "
"informació del píxel de totes les capes <emphasis>visibles</emphasis>, i no "
"només de la capa activa."

#. When image changes, this message will be marked fuzzy or untranslated for you.
#. It doesn't matter what you translate it to: it's not used at all.
#: src/toolbox/transform/common-features.xml:34(None)
msgid ""
"@@image: 'images/toolbox/transform-tools-common-options.png'; "
msgstr ""
"@@image: 'images/toolbox/transform-tools-common-options.png'; "

#. When image changes, this message will be marked fuzzy or untranslated for you.
#. It doesn't matter what you translate it to: it's not used at all.
#: src/toolbox/transform/common-features.xml:201(None)
msgid ""
"@@image: 'images/toolbox/clip-orig.png'; md5=ef09aaa423cff23b980b429aaad9562e"
msgstr ""
"@@image: 'images/toolbox/clip-orig.png'; md5=ef09aaa423cff23b980b429aaad9562e"

#. When image changes, this message will be marked fuzzy or untranslated for you.
#. It doesn't matter what you translate it to: it's not used at all.
#: src/toolbox/transform/common-features.xml:210(None)
msgid ""
"@@image: 'images/toolbox/clip-adjust.png'; "
msgstr ""
"@@image: 'images/toolbox/clip-adjust.png'; "

#. When image changes, this message will be marked fuzzy or untranslated for you.
#. It doesn't matter what you translate it to: it's not used at all.
#: src/toolbox/transform/common-features.xml:221(None)
msgid ""
"@@image: 'images/toolbox/clip-adjust2.png'; "
msgstr ""
"@@image: 'images/toolbox/clip-adjust2.png'; "

#. When image changes, this message will be marked fuzzy or untranslated for you.
#. It doesn't matter what you translate it to: it's not used at all.
#: src/toolbox/transform/common-features.xml:251(None)
msgid ""
"@@image: 'images/toolbox/clip-crop.png'; md5=ee9fcae39870d376770ba61342038732"
msgstr ""
"@@image: 'images/toolbox/clip-crop.png'; md5=ee9fcae39870d376770ba61342038732"

#. When image changes, this message will be marked fuzzy or untranslated for you.
#. It doesn't matter what you translate it to: it's not used at all.
#: src/toolbox/transform/common-features.xml:271(None)
msgid ""
"@@image: 'images/toolbox/clip-3.png'; md5=212abb30228beac3fa4de8140c723ee3"
msgstr ""
"@@image: 'images/toolbox/clip-3.png'; md5=212abb30228beac3fa4de8140c723ee3"

#. When image changes, this message will be marked fuzzy or untranslated for you.
#. It doesn't matter what you translate it to: it's not used at all.
#: src/toolbox/transform/common-features.xml:280(None)
msgid ""
"@@image: 'images/toolbox/clip-3b.png'; md5=9aecf7723e320a6e5f96786445e8a1e6"
msgstr ""
"@@image: 'images/toolbox/clip-3b.png'; md5=9aecf7723e320a6e5f96786445e8a1e6"

#. When image changes, this message will be marked fuzzy or untranslated for you.
#. It doesn't matter what you translate it to: it's not used at all.
#: src/toolbox/transform/common-features.xml:304(None)
msgid ""
"@@image: 'images/toolbox/clip-4a.png'; md5=1d66e96d4bfdcae94b0d9fbce7c966c0"
msgstr ""
"@@image: 'images/toolbox/clip-4a.png'; md5=1d66e96d4bfdcae94b0d9fbce7c966c0"

#. When image changes, this message will be marked fuzzy or untranslated for you.
#. It doesn't matter what you translate it to: it's not used at all.
#: src/toolbox/transform/common-features.xml:312(None)
msgid ""
"@@image: 'images/toolbox/clip-4b.png'; md5=9f6842929aa6dba5d053ecaca1fa287c"
msgstr ""
"@@image: 'images/toolbox/clip-4b.png'; md5=9f6842929aa6dba5d053ecaca1fa287c"

#. When image changes, this message will be marked fuzzy or untranslated for you.
#. It doesn't matter what you translate it to: it's not used at all.
#: src/toolbox/transform/common-features.xml:320(None)
msgid ""
"@@image: 'images/toolbox/clip-4c.png'; md5=e19aea86e7440fecc7656e83c2c8d56b"
msgstr ""
"@@image: 'images/toolbox/clip-4c.png'; md5=e19aea86e7440fecc7656e83c2c8d56b"

#. When image changes, this message will be marked fuzzy or untranslated for you.
#. It doesn't matter what you translate it to: it's not used at all.
#: src/toolbox/transform/common-features.xml:468(None)
msgid ""
"@@image: 'images/toolbox/paths-transform-1.png'; "
msgstr ""
"@@image: 'images/toolbox/paths-transform-1.png'; "

#. When image changes, this message will be marked fuzzy or untranslated for you.
#. It doesn't matter what you translate it to: it's not used at all.
#: src/toolbox/transform/common-features.xml:476(None)
msgid ""
"@@image: 'images/toolbox/paths-transform-2.png'; "
msgstr ""
"@@image: 'images/toolbox/paths-transform-2.png'; "

#: src/toolbox/transform/common-features.xml:18(title)
msgid "Common Features"
msgstr "Funcions comunes"

#: src/toolbox/transform/common-features.xml:20(para)
msgid ""
"Inside the Transformation tool dialog, you will find eight tools to modify "
"the presentation of the image or the presentation of an element of the "
"image, selection, layer or path. Each transform tool has an Option dialog "
"and an Information dialog to set parameters."
msgstr ""
"Dins el diàleg de l'eina Transformació, hi ha vuit eines de transformació "
"per modificar la presentació de la imatge o la presentació d'un element de "
"la imatge, la selecció, capa o camí. Cada eina de transformació té una "
"finestra d'opcions i una finestra d'informació que permet ajustar els "

#: src/toolbox/transform/common-features.xml:30(title)
#, fuzzy
msgid "Common options of transform tools"
msgstr "Direcció de la transformació"

#: src/toolbox/transform/common-features.xml:38(para)
msgid ""
"Some options are shared by several transform tools. We will describe them "
"here. More specific options will be described with their tool."
msgstr ""
"Algunes opcions són compartits per diverses eines de transformació. Les "
"descriurem aquí. Les més específiques es descriuen amb la seva eina."

#: src/toolbox/transform/common-features.xml:44(term)
#: src/toolbox/transform/common-features.xml:180(primary)
#: src/toolbox/transform/common-features.xml:185(secondary)
#: src/toolbox/transform/common-features.xml:356(primary)
#: src/toolbox/transform/common-features.xml:361(secondary)
#: src/toolbox/transform/common-features.xml:453(primary)
#: src/toolbox/transform/common-features.xml:458(secondary)
msgid "Transform"
msgstr "Transformació"

#: src/toolbox/transform/common-features.xml:46(para)
msgid ""
"<acronym>GIMP</acronym> offers you three buttons which let you select which "
"image element the transform tool will work on."
msgstr ""
"El <acronym>GIMP</acronym> ofereix tres botons que permeten seleccionar quin "
"element d'imatge l'eina transformació hi treballarà."

#: src/toolbox/transform/common-features.xml:51(para)
msgid "Remember that the Transform option persists when you quit the tool."
msgstr "Recordeu que l'opció Transformació es manté quan es deixa l'eina."

#: src/toolbox/transform/common-features.xml:58(para)
msgid ""
"When you activate the first button <guiicon><inlinegraphic fileref=\"images/"
"tool-options/rotate-affect-layer.png\"/></guiicon> the tool works on the "
"active layer. If no selection exists in this layer, the whole layer will be "
msgstr ""
"Quan s'activa el primer botó <guiicon><inlinegraphic fileref=\"images/tool-"
"options/rotate-affect-layer.png\"/></guiicon>, l'eina funciona a la capa "
"activa. Si no hi ha cap selecció en aquesta capa, es transformarà tota la "

#: src/toolbox/transform/common-features.xml:69(para)
msgid ""
"When you activate the second button <guiicon><inlinegraphic fileref=\"images/"
"tool-options/rotate-affect-selection.png\"/></guiicon> the tool works on the "
"selection contour only (the whole layer contour if no selection)."
msgstr ""
"Quan s'activa el segon botó <guiicon><inlinegraphic fileref=\"images/tool-"
"options/rotate-affect-selection.png\"/></guiicon> l'eina només funciona en "
"el contorn de la selecció (tot el contorn de la capa si no hi ha selecció)."

#: src/toolbox/transform/common-features.xml:80(para)
msgid ""
"When you activate the third button, <guiicon><inlinegraphic fileref=\"images/"
"tool-options/rotate-affect-path.png\"/></guiicon> the tool works on the path "
msgstr ""
"Quan s'activa el tercer botó, <guiicon><inlinegraphic fileref=\"images/tool-"
"options/rotate-affect-path.png\"/></guiicon> l'eina només funciona en el "

#: src/toolbox/transform/common-features.xml:93(term)
msgid "Direction"
msgstr "Direcció"

#: src/toolbox/transform/common-features.xml:95(para)
#, fuzzy
msgid "This option sets which way or direction a layer is transformed:"
msgstr ""
"Aquesta opció estableix la manera o la direcció de com es transforma una "

#: src/toolbox/transform/common-features.xml:99(para)
msgid ""
"The <quote>Normal (Forward)</quote> mode will transform the image or layer "
"as one might expect. You just use the handles to perform the transformation "
"you want. If you use a grid (see below), the image or layer is transformed "
"according to the shape and position you put the grid into."
msgstr ""
"El mode <quote>Normal (endavant)</quote> transforma la imatge de la manera "
"esperada. Només heu d'utilitzar les nanses per fer la transformació "
"desitjada. Si utilitzeu una quadrícula (mireu a sota), la imatge o capa es "
"transforma d'acord amb la forma i posició que poseu a la graella."

#: src/toolbox/transform/common-features.xml:106(para)
msgid ""
"<quote>Corrective (Backward)</quote> inverts the direction. Primarily used "
"with the Rotation tool to repair digital images that have some geometric "
"errors (a horizon not horizontal, a wall not vertical...). See <xref linkend="
msgstr ""
"El mode <quote>Correctiu (endarrere)</quote> inverteix el sentit. Utilitzat "
"principalment amb l'eina Gira, corregeix errors geomètrics (un horitzó "
"inclinat, una paret torta ...). Vegeu <xref linkend=\"gimp-tool-rotate\"/>."

#: src/toolbox/transform/common-features.xml:115(term)
msgid "Interpolation"
msgstr "Interpolació"

#: src/toolbox/transform/common-features.xml:117(para)
msgid ""
"This drop-down list lets you choose the method and thus the quality of the "
msgstr ""
"La llista desplegable permet escollir el mètode i per tant la qualitat de la "

#: src/toolbox/transform/common-features.xml:123(term)
msgid "None"
msgstr "Cap"

#: src/toolbox/transform/common-features.xml:125(para)
msgid ""
"The color of each pixel is copied from its closest neighboring pixel in the "
"original image. This often results in aliasing (the <quote>stair-step</"
"quote> effect) and a coarse image, but it is the fastest method. Sometimes "
"this method is called <quote>Nearest Neighbor</quote>."
msgstr ""
"El color de cada píxel es copia dels píxels veïns de la imatge original. "
"Sovint crea un efecte dentat i d'imatge aspre, però és el mètode més ràpid. "
"De vegades aquest mètode se l'anomena <quote>Veí més proper</quote>"

#: src/toolbox/transform/common-features.xml:135(term)
msgid "Linear"
msgstr "Lineal"

#: src/toolbox/transform/common-features.xml:137(para)
msgid ""
"The color of each pixel is computed as the average color of the four closest "
"pixels in the original image. This gives a satisfactory result for most "
"images and is a good compromise between speed and quality. Sometimes this "
"method is called <quote>Bilinear</quote>."
msgstr ""
"El color de cada píxel es calcula fent un color mig dels quatre píxels més "
"propers a la imatge original. El resultat és satisfactori en la majoria dels "
"casos i és un bon compromís entre la velocitat i la qualitat. De vegades "
"aquest mètode se l'anomena <quote>Bilinear</quote>. "

#: src/toolbox/transform/common-features.xml:147(term)
#, fuzzy
msgid "Cubic"
msgstr "Cúbica"

#: src/toolbox/transform/common-features.xml:149(para)
msgid ""
"The color of each pixel is computed as the average color of the eight "
"closest pixels in the original image. This usually gives a good result, but "
"it naturally takes more time. Sometimes this method is called "
msgstr ""
"El color de cada píxel es calcula utilitzant el color mig de vuit píxels "
"veïns en la imatge original. Això normalment dóna un bon resultat, però li "
"cal més temps. De vegades aquest mètode se l'anomena <quote>Bicúbic</quote>."

#: src/toolbox/transform/common-features.xml:158(term)
#, fuzzy
msgid "Sinc (Lanczos3)"
msgstr "Sinc (Lanczos3)"

#: src/toolbox/transform/common-features.xml:160(para)
msgid ""
"The Lanczos3 method uses the Sinc mathematical function and performs a high "
"quality interpolation. This is usually the best method but if you are not "
"satisfied with the result, you may give <quote>Cubic</quote> a try."
msgstr ""
"Aquest mètode utilitza la funció matemàtica Sinc i fa una interpolació "
"d'alta qualitat. Aquest sol ser el millor mètode, però si no esteu satisfets "
"amb el resultat, proveu amb el <quote>Cubic</quote>."

#: src/toolbox/transform/common-features.xml:169(para)
msgid ""
"You can set the default interpolation method in the <link linkend=\"gimp-"
"prefs-tool-options\">Tools Options Preferences</link> dialog."
msgstr ""
"Podeu configurar per defecte el mètode d'interpolació al diàleg <link "
"linkend=\"gimp-prefs-tool-options\">Preferències de les opcions d'eines</"

#: src/toolbox/transform/common-features.xml:177(term)
#: src/toolbox/transform/common-features.xml:181(secondary)
#: src/toolbox/transform/common-features.xml:184(primary)
#, fuzzy
msgid "Clipping"
msgstr "Retallat:"

#: src/toolbox/transform/common-features.xml:187(para)
msgid ""
"After transformation, the image can be bigger. This option will clip the "
"transformed image to the original image size."
msgstr ""
"Després de la transformació, la imatge pot ser més gran. Aquesta opció "
"retallarà la imatge transformada a la mida de la imatge original."

#: src/toolbox/transform/common-features.xml:191(para)
msgid "You can choose between several ways to clip:"
msgstr "Podeu triar diferents maneres de retallar:"

#: src/toolbox/transform/common-features.xml:194(term)
msgid "Adjust"
msgstr "Ajusta"

#: src/toolbox/transform/common-features.xml:197(title)
msgid "Original image for examples"
msgstr "Imatge original pels exemples"

#: src/toolbox/transform/common-features.xml:204(para)
#: src/toolbox/transform/common-features.xml:307(para)
msgid "Original image"
msgstr "Imatge original"

#: src/toolbox/transform/common-features.xml:213(para)
msgid "Rotation applied with <quote>Adjust</quote>"
msgstr "La rotació s'aplica amb <quote>Ajusta</quote> "

#: src/toolbox/transform/common-features.xml:224(para)
msgid ""
"Rotation applied with <quote>Adjust</quote> and canvas enlarged to layer size"
msgstr ""
"La rotació s'aplica amb <quote>Ajusta</quote> i el llenç s'amplia a la mida "
"de la capa"

#: src/toolbox/transform/common-features.xml:231(para)
msgid ""
"With Adjust: the layer is enlarged to contain all the rotated layer. The new "
"layer border is visible; the whole layer becomes visible by using the "
"<menuchoice><guimenu>Image</guimenu><guimenuitem>Fit Canvas to Layers</"
"guimenuitem></menuchoice> command."
msgstr ""
"Amb Ajusta: la capa s'amplia per contenir totes les capes girades. El nou "
"límit de la capa és visible; tota la capa esdevé visible mitjançant l'ordre "
"<menuchoice><guimenu>Imatge</guimenu><guimenuitem>Adapta el llenç a les "

#: src/toolbox/transform/common-features.xml:244(term)
#: src/toolbox/transform/common-features.xml:254(para)
#, fuzzy
msgid "Clip"
msgstr "Retallat"

#: src/toolbox/transform/common-features.xml:247(title)
msgid "Example for Clip"
msgstr "Exemple de tall"

#: src/toolbox/transform/common-features.xml:258(para)
msgid "With Clip: all what exceeds image limits is deleted."
msgstr ""
"Amb Escapça: tot el que sobresurt dels límits de la imatges s'elimina. "

#: src/toolbox/transform/common-features.xml:264(term)
#, fuzzy
msgid "Crop to result"
msgstr "Escapça a la mida"

#: src/toolbox/transform/common-features.xml:267(title)
#, fuzzy
msgid "Example for Crop to result"
msgstr "Escapça a la mida"

#: src/toolbox/transform/common-features.xml:274(para)
msgid "Rotation 45° with Crop to result"
msgstr "  Rotació de 45° amb Talls com a resultat"

#: src/toolbox/transform/common-features.xml:283(para)
msgid "The crop limit is marked with red. No transparent area is included."
msgstr ""
"El límit del tall està marcat en vermell. No s'inclou l'àrea transparent."

#: src/toolbox/transform/common-features.xml:290(para)
msgid ""
"If this option is selected, the image is cropped so that the transparent "
"area, created by the transform operation in corners, will not be included in "
"the resulting image."
msgstr ""
"Si es selecciona aquesta opció, la imatge es retalla de manera que les àrees "
"transparents creades dins els cantons per l'operació de transformació no "
"s'inclouran en la imatge resultant."

#: src/toolbox/transform/common-features.xml:298(term)
#, fuzzy
msgid "Crop with aspect"
msgstr "Escapça segons l'aspecte"

#: src/toolbox/transform/common-features.xml:301(title)
#, fuzzy
msgid "Example for Crop with aspect"
msgstr "Escapça a la mida"

#: src/toolbox/transform/common-features.xml:315(para)
msgid "Rotation -22°"
msgstr "Rotació -22°"

#: src/toolbox/transform/common-features.xml:323(para)
msgid "The rotated image"
msgstr "El resultat"

#: src/toolbox/transform/common-features.xml:328(para)
msgid ""
"This option works like the one described before, but makes sure, that the "
"aspect ratio is maintained."
msgstr ""
"Aquesta opció funciona igual que l'anterior, però fa que es mantinguin les "
"proporcions de la imatge."

#: src/toolbox/transform/common-features.xml:338(term)
#: src/toolbox/transform/common-features.xml:341(primary)
msgid "Preview"
msgstr "Previsualitza"

#: src/toolbox/transform/common-features.xml:342(secondary)
#, fuzzy
msgid "Transformation tools"
msgstr "Transformació %s"

#: src/toolbox/transform/common-features.xml:344(para)
msgid ""
"If this is marked, which is the default setting, the transformed image will "
"be visible on top of the original image or layer. There will also be a "
"slider with which you may select the preview opacity."
msgstr ""
"Aquesta opció està activada per defecte: la imatge transformada serà visible "
"a sobre de la imatge original o capa. També hi ha un lliscador per ajustar "
"la visibilitat de la previsualització."

#: src/toolbox/transform/common-features.xml:363(para)
msgid ""
"This is a drop down list where you select the type of guide lines which "
"suits your transforming. All the guides uses a frame to mark the image's "
"outline in addition to the lines used by the different selections."
msgstr ""
"És una llista desplegable on se selecciona el tipus de guies que s'ajusten a "
"la transformació. Totes les guies utilitzen un marc per marcar el contorn de "
"la imatge a més de les línies utilitzades en altres seleccions."

#: src/toolbox/transform/common-features.xml:371(term)
#, fuzzy
#| msgid "Guides"
msgid "No guides"
msgstr "Sense guies"

#: src/toolbox/transform/common-features.xml:373(para)
msgid "As the name tells you, there are no guides used."
msgstr "Com el nom indica, no s'utilitza cap guia."

#: src/toolbox/transform/common-features.xml:379(term)
#, fuzzy
msgid "Center lines"
msgstr "Línies centrals"

#: src/toolbox/transform/common-features.xml:381(para)
msgid ""
"Uses one vertical line and one horizontal line crossing each other in the "
"center of the image or layer."
msgstr ""
"Utilitza una línia vertical i una d'horitzontal que es creuen al centre de "
"la imatge o capa."

#: src/toolbox/transform/common-features.xml:388(term)
#, fuzzy
msgid "Rule of thirds"
msgstr "Un de cada tres"

#: src/toolbox/transform/common-features.xml:390(para)
msgid ""
"Divides the transforming area in nine equal parts by adding two horizontal "
"lines and two vertical lines equally spaced. According to this rule the most "
"interesting parts of the image should be placed at the intersection points."
msgstr ""
"Dividiu la transformació de la superfície en nou parts iguals afegint dues "
"línies horitzontals i dues de verticals equidistants. Sota aquesta regla, "
"les parts més interessants de la imatge haurien d'anar en els punts "

#: src/toolbox/transform/common-features.xml:399(term)
#, fuzzy
msgid "Rule of fifths"
msgstr "Un de cada cinc"

#: src/toolbox/transform/common-features.xml:401(para)
msgid ""
"Just as the <quote>Rules of thirds</quote> but divides the area in five by "
"five parts."
msgstr ""
"Com la <quote>regla</quote> dels terços, però divideix l'àrea en cinc parts."

#: src/toolbox/transform/common-features.xml:408(term)
#, fuzzy
msgid "Golden sections"
msgstr "Seccions primàries"

#: src/toolbox/transform/common-features.xml:410(para)
msgid ""
"Also called <quote>The Golden Ratio</quote>. This divides the transforming "
"area in nine parts using a mathematical formula proportioning the parts to "
"each others and to the area to be transformed."
msgstr ""
"També se l'anomena <quote>Proporció àuria</quote>. Divideix la superfície en "
"nou parts mitjançant l'ús d'una fórmula matemàtica que fa que els segments "
"petits i mitjans siguin proporcionals als segments mitjans i grans."

#: src/toolbox/transform/common-features.xml:419(term)
#, fuzzy
msgid "Diagonal lines"
msgstr "Línies diagonals"

#: src/toolbox/transform/common-features.xml:421(para)
msgid "Divide the transforming area using diagonally lines."
msgstr "Divideix l'àrea de transformació utilitzant línies diagonals."

#: src/toolbox/transform/common-features.xml:427(term)
#, fuzzy
msgid "Number of lines"
msgstr "Nombre de línies"

#: src/toolbox/transform/common-features.xml:429(para)
msgid ""
"Puts a rectangular grid with equal numbers of vertically and horizontally "
"lines. The number of lines is set in the slider popping up when this guide "
"is selected."
msgstr ""
"Disposa d'una graella amb un nombre igual de línies horitzontals i "
"verticals. El nombre de línies s'estableix per un lliscador que apareix quan "
"se selecciona la guia."

#: src/toolbox/transform/common-features.xml:437(term)
#, fuzzy
msgid "Line spacing"
msgstr "Espaiat de la línia"

#: src/toolbox/transform/common-features.xml:439(para)
msgid ""
"Puts a rectangular grid on the transforming area using the spacing between "
"the lines set in the slider."
msgstr ""
"Configura una graella rectangular utilitzant l'espaiat de les línies "
"definides pel lliscador."

#: src/toolbox/transform/common-features.xml:451(title)
#, fuzzy
msgid "Transforming Paths"
msgstr "Transformació %s"

#: src/toolbox/transform/common-features.xml:454(secondary)
#: src/toolbox/transform/common-features.xml:457(primary)
msgid "Paths"
msgstr "Camins"

#: src/toolbox/transform/common-features.xml:460(para)
msgid ""
"If you for some reason want to transform paths, it is possible to do this "
"using the transform tools."
msgstr ""
"Si voleu transformar els camins, és possible utilitzar les eines de "

#: src/toolbox/transform/common-features.xml:465(title)
#, fuzzy
msgid "Rotating paths"
msgstr "Selecciona un camí"

#: src/toolbox/transform/common-features.xml:471(para)
msgid "Paths dialog"
msgstr "Diàleg dels camins"

#: src/toolbox/transform/common-features.xml:479(para)
msgid "Option modus: Path"
msgstr "Mode opcional: camí"

#: src/toolbox/transform/common-features.xml:483(para)
msgid ""
"When the path is drawn go to the path dialog and click on the first field "
"before the path outline in the dialog window to get the eye icon visible. "
"Then choose the transformation tool and in the upper part of the option "
"dialog click on the path icon to tell the tool to act on the path."
msgstr ""
"Un cop el camí ha estat traçat, aneu al diàleg del camí i feu clic al primer "
"camp per fer visible el camí (icona ull). A continuació, trieu l'eina de "
"transformació i a la part superior del quadre de diàleg de les opcions, feu "
"clic a la icona camí per indicar a l'eina que actuï en el camí."

#: src/toolbox/transform/common-features.xml:489(para)
msgid ""
"Do the transformation the usual way and confirm it when finished. It could "
"be a good idea to set the Guides to <quote>No guides</quote> to get the path "
"more recognizable."
msgstr ""
"Feu la transformació de forma habitual i confirmeu-ho un cop acabada. Pot "
"ser una bona idea ajustar les guies a <quote>Sense guies</quote> per fer un "
"camí més recognoscible."

#: src/toolbox/transform/common-features.xml:494(para)
msgid ""
"When the transformation is finished, choose the path tool and click on the "
"changed path to activate it again for further working on it."
msgstr ""
"Quan la transformació és completa, seleccioneu l'eina camí i feu clic al "
"camí modificat per activar-lo un altre cop i poder seguir treballant."

#. When image changes, this message will be marked fuzzy or untranslated for you.
#. It doesn't matter what you translate it to: it's not used at all.
#: src/toolbox/transform/cage.xml:19(None)
msgid ""
"@@image: 'images/toolbox/toolbox-cage.png'; "
msgstr ""
"@@image: 'images/toolbox/toolbox-cage.png'; "

#. When image changes, this message will be marked fuzzy or untranslated for you.
#. It doesn't matter what you translate it to: it's not used at all.
#: src/toolbox/transform/cage.xml:58(None)
msgid ""
"@@image: 'images/toolbox/stock-tool-cage-22.png'; "
msgstr ""
"@@image: 'images/toolbox/stock-tool-cage-22.png'; "

#. When image changes, this message will be marked fuzzy or untranslated for you.
#. It doesn't matter what you translate it to: it's not used at all.
#: src/toolbox/transform/cage.xml:80(None)
msgid ""
"@@image: 'images/toolbox/tool-options-cage.png'; "
msgstr ""
"@@image: 'images/toolbox/tool-options-cage.png'; "

#. When image changes, this message will be marked fuzzy or untranslated for you.
#. It doesn't matter what you translate it to: it's not used at all.
#: src/toolbox/transform/cage.xml:144(None)
msgid ""
"@@image: 'images/toolbox/cage-1.png'; md5=aadd9aa23df87660e5777671583fd093"
msgstr ""
"@@image: 'images/toolbox/cage-1.png'; md5=aadd9aa23df87660e5777671583fd093"

#. When image changes, this message will be marked fuzzy or untranslated for you.
#. It doesn't matter what you translate it to: it's not used at all.
#: src/toolbox/transform/cage.xml:151(None)
msgid ""
"@@image: 'images/toolbox/cage-2.png'; md5=79eb99dc90e7782b6881f0b4b7ea22bf"
msgstr ""
"@@image: 'images/toolbox/cage-2.png'; md5=79eb99dc90e7782b6881f0b4b7ea22bf"

#: src/toolbox/transform/cage.xml:6(title)
msgid "The Cage Tool"
msgstr ""

#: src/toolbox/transform/cage.xml:10(secondary)
msgid "Cage Tool"
msgstr "Eina gàbia"

#: src/toolbox/transform/cage.xml:12(primary)
msgid "Cage"
msgstr "Gàbia"

#: src/toolbox/transform/cage.xml:15(title)
#, fuzzy
msgid "The Cage Tool in the Toolbox"
msgstr "Mo_stra-la a la caixa d'eines"

#: src/toolbox/transform/cage.xml:24(para)
msgid ""
"The Cage tool is a special transforming tool allowing you to select the "
"transforming area by setting anchor points by free hand drawing similar to "
"the way you do it with the Free Selection (Lasso) tool. The tool adds "
"nothing to the image until you confirm the transformation by pressing the "
"<keycap>Enter</keycap> key."
msgstr ""

#: src/toolbox/transform/cage.xml:37(para)
msgid "You can activate the Cage tool in several ways:"
msgstr ""

#: src/toolbox/transform/cage.xml:43(para)
msgid ""
"From the image-menu, through: <menuchoice><guimenu>Tools</"
"guimenu><guisubmenu>Transform Tools</guisubmenu><guimenuitem>Cage Transform</"
msgstr ""

#: src/toolbox/transform/cage.xml:53(para)
msgid "by clicking on the tool icon: <placeholder-1/> in the toolbox"
msgstr ""

#: src/toolbox/transform/cage.xml:66(para)
msgid ""
"or by using the <keycap>Shift</keycap><keycap>G</keycap> keyboard shortcut."
msgstr ""

#: src/toolbox/transform/cage.xml:76(title)
#, fuzzy
msgid "Cage Tool options"
msgstr "Desa les opcions de l’eina"

#: src/toolbox/transform/cage.xml:84(para)
msgid ""
"Normally, tool options are displayed in a window attached under the Toolbox "
"as soon as you activate a tool. If they are not, you can access them from "
"the image menu bar through <menuchoice><guimenu>Windows</"
"guimenu><guisubmenu>Dockable Windows</guisubmenu><guimenuitem>Tool Options</"
"guimenuitem></menuchoice> which opens the option window of the selected tool."
msgstr ""

#: src/toolbox/transform/cage.xml:97(term)
#, fuzzy
msgid "Create or adjust the cage"
msgstr "Crea o ajusta la regió contenidora"

#: src/toolbox/transform/cage.xml:99(para)
msgid ""
"When activating the Cage Tool this option is selected. You can now click in "
"the image to make anchor points around the desired area. If you need to add "
"anchor points at a later stage, you click on this option."
msgstr ""

#: src/toolbox/transform/cage.xml:108(term)
#, fuzzy
msgid "Deform the cage to deform the image"
msgstr "Deforma la regió contenidora per deformar la imatge"

#: src/toolbox/transform/cage.xml:110(para)
msgid ""
"<acronym>GIMP</acronym> switch to this option automatically when the cage "
"outline is finished. Now you are able to drag the anchor points around in "
"the image and even outside it to transform the picture. The transforming "
"starts when you release the mouse button."
msgstr ""

#: src/toolbox/transform/cage.xml:116(para)
msgid ""
"You can activate more than one anchor point by holding down the "
"<keycap>Shift</keycap> key while clicking on the points. You can also select "
"more points by holding down the mouse button while drawing a rectangle "
"around the desired points."
msgstr ""

#: src/toolbox/transform/cage.xml:125(term)
#, fuzzy
msgid "Fill the original position of the cage with a plain color"
msgstr "Omple la posició original de la regió contenidora amb un sol color"

#: src/toolbox/transform/cage.xml:127(para)
msgid ""
"If the transforming action results in empty areas these areas will be filled "
"with color if this option is checked. It looks like the color is picked from "
"the start pixel of the cage line."
msgstr ""

#: src/toolbox/transform/cage.xml:138(title)
msgid "Example for the <quote>Cage</quote> tool"
msgstr ""

#: src/toolbox/transform/cage.xml:140(title)
#, fuzzy
msgid "Cage Tool example"
msgstr "Supermostratge"

#: src/toolbox/transform/cage.xml:146(caption)
#, fuzzy
msgid "The cage area selected"
msgstr "No hi ha cap filtre seleccionat"

#: src/toolbox/transform/cage.xml:153(caption)
msgid "Transformed"
msgstr "Transformat"

#: src/toolbox/transform/cage.xml:157(para)
msgid ""
"When clicking on the cage icon in the toolbox the cage option is set to "
"<quote>Create or adjust the cage</quote>. You are now able to draw a cage "
"outline in the image by successively clicking around the area you want to "
"transform. Click on the starting point to finish the selection. "
"<acronym>GIMP</acronym> will then do some mathematics and activate the "
"<quote>Deform the cage to deform the image</quote> to allow you to drag the "
"points on the line to deform the cage and the image."
msgstr ""

#: src/toolbox/transform/cage.xml:166(para)
msgid ""
"The selected point(s) turns to a square. Drag the points around in the image "
"to transform it. The transforming will occur every time you release the "
"press on the mouse button. The transforming may take some time so be patient "
"especially when working with large images."
msgstr ""

#: src/toolbox/transform/cage.xml:172(para)
msgid ""
"If you desire to add more points to the line you have to select the "
"<quote>Create or adjust the cage</quote> in the tool options dialog. Put the "
"points on the line and switch back to the <quote>Deform the cage to deform "
"the image</quote> to transform the image or layer."
msgstr ""

#: src/toolbox/transform/cage.xml:178(para)
msgid ""
"When the work is done, press the <keycap>Enter</keycap> key to confirm it."
msgstr ""

#. When image changes, this message will be marked fuzzy or untranslated for you.
#. It doesn't matter what you translate it to: it's not used at all.
#: src/toolbox/transform/align.xml:27(None)
msgid ""
"@@image: 'images/toolbox/toolbox-align.png'; "
msgstr ""
"@@image: 'images/toolbox/toolbox-align.png'; "

#. When image changes, this message will be marked fuzzy or untranslated for you.
#. It doesn't matter what you translate it to: it's not used at all.
#: src/toolbox/transform/align.xml:112(None)
msgid ""
"@@image: 'images/toolbox/tool-options-align.png'; "
msgstr ""
"@@image: 'images/toolbox/tool-options-align.png'; "

#. When image changes, this message will be marked fuzzy or untranslated for you.
#. It doesn't matter what you translate it to: it's not used at all.
#: src/toolbox/transform/align.xml:258(None)
msgid ""
"@@image: 'images/toolbox/align-ex1.png'; md5=a1d5db72b20038616258a2ee7dc2ca05"
msgstr ""
"@@image: 'images/toolbox/align-ex1.png'; md5=a1d5db72b20038616258a2ee7dc2ca05"

#. When image changes, this message will be marked fuzzy or untranslated for you.
#. It doesn't matter what you translate it to: it's not used at all.
#: src/toolbox/transform/align.xml:272(None)
msgid ""
"@@image: 'images/toolbox/align-ex2.png'; md5=b8ea27b5dfbbd1c41dfb9bbfd714433a"
msgstr ""
"@@image: 'images/toolbox/align-ex2.png'; md5=b8ea27b5dfbbd1c41dfb9bbfd714433a"

#. When image changes, this message will be marked fuzzy or untranslated for you.
#. It doesn't matter what you translate it to: it's not used at all.
#: src/toolbox/transform/align.xml:286(None)
msgid ""
"@@image: 'images/toolbox/align-ex3.png'; md5=753b3a7fe237107f5863b35792d77029"
msgstr ""
"@@image: 'images/toolbox/align-ex3.png'; md5=753b3a7fe237107f5863b35792d77029"

#. When image changes, this message will be marked fuzzy or untranslated for you.
#. It doesn't matter what you translate it to: it's not used at all.
#: src/toolbox/transform/align.xml:304(None)
msgid ""
"@@image: 'images/toolbox/align-ex4.png'; md5=3c5b724542d855c2167b73e75f4540ab"
msgstr ""
"@@image: 'images/toolbox/align-ex4.png'; md5=3c5b724542d855c2167b73e75f4540ab"

#. When image changes, this message will be marked fuzzy or untranslated for you.
#. It doesn't matter what you translate it to: it's not used at all.
#: src/toolbox/transform/align.xml:323(None)
msgid ""
"@@image: 'images/toolbox/align-ex5a.png'; "
msgstr ""
"@@image: 'images/toolbox/align-ex5a.png'; "

#. When image changes, this message will be marked fuzzy or untranslated for you.
#. It doesn't matter what you translate it to: it's not used at all.
#: src/toolbox/transform/align.xml:335(None)
msgid ""
"@@image: 'images/toolbox/align-ex5b.png'; "
msgstr ""
"@@image: 'images/toolbox/align-ex5b.png'; "

#: src/toolbox/transform/align.xml:14(title)
#: src/toolbox/transform/align.xml:16(primary)
#: src/toolbox/transform/align.xml:20(secondary)
#: src/toolbox/transform/align.xml:121(term)
msgid "Align"
msgstr "Alinea"

#: src/toolbox/transform/align.xml:24(title)
msgid "The Align tool in the toolbox"
msgstr ""

#: src/toolbox/transform/align.xml:31(para)
msgid ""
"The Align tool is useful to align the image layers with various image "
"objects. When this tool is selected, the mouse pointer turns to a small "
"hand. By clicking on an element of a layer in the image, you choose the "
"layer which will be moved (with <keycap>Shift </keycap> + click, you can "
"choose several layers to be aligned); this focalised layer has small squares "
"in corners. Various buttons in the dialog allow you to select how the layer "
"will be moved. And you can select the image object (other layer, selection, "
"path...) the selected layer will be aligned on. This object is called "
msgstr ""

#: src/toolbox/transform/align.xml:46(para)
msgid "You can activate the Align tool in several ways :"
msgstr ""

#: src/toolbox/transform/align.xml:49(para)
msgid ""
"From the image-menu, through: <menuchoice><guimenu>Tools</"
"guimenu><guisubmenu>Transform Tools</guisubmenu><guimenuitem>Align</"
msgstr ""

#: src/toolbox/transform/align.xml:59(para)
msgid ""
"by clicking on the tool icon: <guiicon><inlinegraphic fileref=\"images/"
"toolbox/stock-tool-align-22.png\"/></guiicon> in the toolbox,"
msgstr ""

#: src/toolbox/transform/align.xml:69(para)
msgid "by using the <keycap>Q</keycap> keyboard shortcut."
msgstr ""

#: src/toolbox/transform/align.xml:80(keycap)
msgid "Shift"
msgstr "Decalatge"

#: src/toolbox/transform/align.xml:82(para)
msgid ""
"You can select several layers by holding <keycap>Shift</keycap> when "
"clicking the layers."
msgstr ""

#: src/toolbox/transform/align.xml:87(para)
msgid ""
"Sometimes it's easier to choose multiple layers using rubber-banding: click "
"somewhere outside an imaginary rectangular region covering the layers you "
"want to choose. Then drag out that region by moving the pointer, and release "
"the mouse button. Now every layer, which is completely inside the dragged "
"rectangle, is selected."
msgstr ""

#: src/toolbox/transform/align.xml:95(para)
msgid ""
"Note that now there is no target <quote>first item</quote> the selected "
"layers can be aligned on."
msgstr ""

#: src/toolbox/transform/align.xml:108(title)
#, fuzzy
msgid "Tool Options for the Align tool"
msgstr "Menú de les opcions de l'eina"

#: src/toolbox/transform/align.xml:125(term)
msgid "Relative to:"
msgstr "Relatiu a:"

#: src/toolbox/transform/align.xml:127(para)
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"This is the target - the image object the selected layer will be aligned on."
msgstr "Indiqueu la imatge de referència amb la qual s'alinearà la capa"

#: src/toolbox/transform/align.xml:133(para)
msgid ""
"<guilabel>First item</guilabel>: the first selected item when selecting "
"multiple layers holding the <keycap>Shift</keycap> key. Note that there is "
"no <quote>first item</quote> when you select multiple layers using rubber-"
msgstr ""

#: src/toolbox/transform/align.xml:142(para)
msgid "<guilabel>Image</guilabel>: the image is used as a target."
msgstr ""

#: src/toolbox/transform/align.xml:148(para)
msgid ""
"<guilabel>Selection</guilabel>: the minimal rectangular region covering the "
"active selection."
msgstr ""

#: src/toolbox/transform/align.xml:154(para)
msgid "<guilabel>Active layer</guilabel>:"
msgstr ""

#: src/toolbox/transform/align.xml:157(para)
msgid "<guilabel>Active Channel</guilabel>:"
msgstr ""

#: src/toolbox/transform/align.xml:160(para)
msgid "<guilabel>Active Path</guilabel>:"
msgstr ""

#: src/toolbox/transform/align.xml:187(para)
msgid ""
"These buttons become active when a layer is selected. When you click on one "
"of these buttons, you align the selected layer with left edge, horizontal "
"middle, right edge, top edge, vertical middle, or bottom of the target."
msgstr ""

#: src/toolbox/transform/align.xml:199(term)
msgid "Distribute"
msgstr "Distribueix"

#: src/toolbox/transform/align.xml:224(para)
msgid ""
"These options seem to differ from the <quote>Related to </quote> options "
"only by the possibility to set an offset. This offset is the distance which "
"will separate the selected layer(s) from the target once the alignment is "
"performed. It can be positive or negative and is expressed in pixel. "
"Distribute add this offset to the left edges, horizontal centers, right "
"edges, top edges, vertical centers, or bottoms of targets."
msgstr ""

#: src/toolbox/transform/align.xml:237(term)
msgid "Offset"
msgstr "Desplaçament"

#: src/toolbox/transform/align.xml:239(para)
msgid ""
"This entry controls the amount of displacement that could be given to the "
"desired alignment effect (in pixel) regarding the target. The default value "
"is 0; it can be positive or negative."
msgstr ""

#: src/toolbox/transform/align.xml:253(title)
msgid "Example for the <quote>Align</quote> command"
msgstr ""

#: src/toolbox/transform/align.xml:255(title)
msgid "Base image"
msgstr "Imatge base"

#: src/toolbox/transform/align.xml:261(para)
msgid ""
"This image has three layers with different sizes and a rectangular "
"selection. The yellow layer is active."
msgstr ""

#: src/toolbox/transform/align.xml:269(title)
#, fuzzy
msgid "Red layer selected"
msgstr "No hi ha cap filtre seleccionat"

#: src/toolbox/transform/align.xml:275(para)
msgid ""
"Click on red: the red layer is selected, with a small square in every corner."
msgstr ""

#: src/toolbox/transform/align.xml:283(title)
msgid "Red layer aligned"
msgstr ""

#: src/toolbox/transform/align.xml:289(para)
msgid ""
"We chose <quote>Selection</quote> as a target and we clicked on the "
"<guiicon><inlinegraphic fileref=\"images/tool-options/stock-gravity-east-24."
"png\"/></guiicon> button (Related to). The red layer alignes with the right "
"side of the selection."
msgstr ""

#: src/toolbox/transform/align.xml:301(title)
#, fuzzy
msgid "Distribute with offset"
msgstr "Distribueix per la part inferior"

#: src/toolbox/transform/align.xml:307(para)
msgid ""
"We set Offset to -5, we chose <quote>Active layer</quote> as a target and we "
"clicked on the <guiicon><inlinegraphic fileref=\"images/tool-options/stock-"
"gravity-east-24.png\"/></guiicon> button (Distribution). The layer is "
"aligned 5 pixels before the right side of the yellow active layer."
msgstr ""

#: src/toolbox/transform/align.xml:320(title)
msgid "Align using rubber-band box"
msgstr ""

#: src/toolbox/transform/align.xml:326(para)
msgid ""
"We clicked left from and above the red layer, and dragged out a region "
"covering the red and the yellow layer by moving the pointer towards the "
"bottom right corner."
msgstr ""

#: src/toolbox/transform/align.xml:338(para)
msgid ""
"Again, <guilabel>Selection</guilabel> is the target. After a click on the "
"<guiicon><inlinegraphic fileref=\"images/tool-options/stock-gravity-west-24."
"png\"/></guiicon> button, both layers aligne with the left side of the "
msgstr ""

#: src/toolbox/transform/about-common-transform-options.xml:9(para)
msgid ""
"These options are described in <link linkend=\"gimp-tool-transform"
"\">Transform tools common options</link>."
msgstr ""

#. Put one translator per line, in the form of NAME <EMAIL>, YEAR1, YEAR2
#: src/toolbox/transform/about-common-transform-options.xml:0(None)
msgid "translator-credits"
msgstr "Softcatalà - www.softcatala.cat"

#~ msgid ""
#~ "@@image: 'images/toolbox/paths-transform-1.png'; md5=THIS FILE DOESN'T "
#~ "EXIST"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "@@image: 'images/toolbox/paths-transform-1.png'; md5=THIS FILE DOESN'T "
#~ "EXIST"

#~ msgid ""
#~ "@@image: 'images/toolbox/paths-transform-2.png'; md5=THIS FILE DOESN'T "
#~ "EXIST"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "@@image: 'images/toolbox/paths-transform-2.png'; md5=THIS FILE DOESN'T "
#~ "EXIST"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Outline"
#~ msgstr "Vora"

#~ msgid "Grid"
#~ msgstr "Graella"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Grid+Image"
#~ msgstr "Imatge"

#~ msgid "Opacity"
#~ msgstr "Opacitat"

#~ msgid "Color Picker"
#~ msgstr "Capturador de color"

#~ msgid "Color"
#~ msgstr "Color"

#~ msgid "Use info window"
#~ msgstr "Utilitza la finestra d'informació"

#~ msgid "Toolbox"
#~ msgstr "Caixa d'eines"

#~ msgid "Foreground color"
#~ msgstr "Color del primer pla"

#~ msgid "Background color"
#~ msgstr "Color del fons"

#~ msgid "Brushes"
#~ msgstr "Pinzells"

#~ msgid "Patterns"
#~ msgstr "Patrons"

#~ msgid "Gradient"
#~ msgstr "Degradat"

#~ msgid "Font"
#~ msgstr "Tipus de lletra"

#~ msgid "Use editor"
#~ msgstr "Utilitza l'editor"

#~ msgid "Antialiasing"
#~ msgstr "Suavitzat"

#~ msgid "Box"
#~ msgstr "Cub"

#~ msgid "Text Editor"
#~ msgstr "Editor de text"

#~ msgid "GEGL Operation"
#~ msgstr "Operació GEGL"

#~ msgid "Operation Settings"
#~ msgstr "Configuració de l'operació"

#~ msgid "Measure"
#~ msgstr "Compàs"

#~ msgid "Edit Mode"
#~ msgstr "Mode d'edició"

#~ msgid "Polygonal"
#~ msgstr "Poligonal"

#~ msgid "Paint"
#~ msgstr "Pinta"

#~ msgid "Zoom"
#~ msgstr "Ampliació"

#~ msgid "Auto-resize window"
#~ msgstr "Redimensiona la finestra automàticament"
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