>    >    > Which has nothing to do with why the NASA Open Source
   >    >    > Agreement (NOSG) is a non-free license.  I suggest you
   >    >    > read section G:
   >    >    >
   >    >    > | G. Each Contributor represents that that its
   >    >    > |    Modification is believed to be Contributor's
   >    >    > |    original creation and does not violate any
   >    >    > |    existing agreements, regulations, statutes or
   >    >    > |    rules, and further that Contributor has sufficient
   >    >    > |    rights to grant the rights conveyed by this
   >    >    > |    Agreement.
   >    >    >
   >    >    > I.e. I am not allowed to take code that I have not
   >    >    > created and combine it with a program which is licensed
   >    >    > under the NOSG.
   >    >
   >    >    When you take third party code and combine that code with
   >    >    NOSA'd code, it is neither modification nor Modification,
   >    >    [...]
   >    >
   >    > The end product is a modification, yes.
   > ...
   >    > The creation that is added
   >    Is just separate computer program (literary) work (aka
   >    software).
   > A seperate program which is not the "Contributor's original
   > creation".

   It's separate software from the Subject Software.

Section G does not speak of `Subject Software'.

| G. Each Contributor represents that that its Modification is
|    believed to be Contributor's original creation and does not
|    violate any existing agreements, regulations, statutes or rules,
|    and further that Contributor has sufficient rights to grant the
|    rights conveyed by this Agreement.

   >    Program code A + program code B modifies neither program code
   >    A nor program code B.
   > But program A or B is not the "Contributor's original creation".


... see section G.  One can only make a modification if it is the
"Contributor's original creation".

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