You asked for a wish list, and you'll get one right here:

* real-time computer keyboard/terminal input

        This would be my most-often-used input mode.  Almost every
        computer I know of has one of these attached.  I personally
        think having an input mode where you enter basic mudela code
        on your keyboard or terminal, seeing instantly the results
        on-screen, is a very good idea[1].  Also, restricting users to
        mouse input introduces some health risks -- IMHO, any computer
        program that requires a mouse (or equivalent device) is
        terribly broken.

* real-time musical keyboard (i.e. midi) input

        This is what I guess I would have preferred if only I had a
        MIDI keyboard I could hook into my sound card.  One problem,
        however, is reading/entering note durations.

* WYSIWYM display

        Like LyX, LilyX should display what the user *means*, not
        necessarily what will eventually be printed.  I see no great
        need of getting things like ties to look perfect on screen --
        it's the printed output that will (have to) be perfect.

* WYHIWYM sound proof output

        I want to mark some part of the score and say «play this for
        me; I'm proof-listening.»  LilyX should then play that
        extrait, using my sound card.  Ideally, I shouldn't have to
        wait for minutes first.

* LilyX should write mudela files

        If I can't save to proper mudela, I'll rather code it myself.
        Really.  I'll want to exchange these files with other users,
        I'll want to upload them to the Mutopia project, and so on and
        so forth.

* LilyX should write human-readable mudela files.

        I will want to do changes by hand.  This means that the mudela
        files that LilyX outputs should be very human-readable: No
        more than 78 coloumns.  Intuitive, meaningful naming of
        variables and voices/staffs/etc.  User-configurable language
        -- I may want to use the note names in "" one day, and
        those in "" the other.  (Where one note has
        multiple names, e.g. "ass"/"as"/"aess"/"aes" in "",
        one sensible approach would be to use the first approperiate
        name when outputting mudela.)

* LilyX should organize my mudela file(s) sensibly

        I'll want to cut and paste, both inside an outside LilyX.
        I'll want to make individual parts for voices and voice
        groups, as well as complete parts.  I'll want to print a piece
        of four-voice choral music on two staffs, after entering it on
        four staffs.  Or, I'll want to enter it on two staffs and
        print on four.  Or, I'll enter it in some random key and then
        transpose, and change the key, clefs and even meter.  Please
        don't make all of this impossible or too impractical[2].

* LilyX should *read* mudela files, too

        I'll want to read some random mudela file into LilyX and
        change it, even if this mudela file was not originally written
        by LilyX.

* LilyX could even let me edit some of the mudela code directly

        I'll think of things LilyX won't think of itself.  Sometimes,
        these things will be quite small, and it would be impractical
        to have to leave LilyX to implement them.

* LilyX could let me use variables any way *I* want to

        Or, any way mudela permits, e.g.

                theme = \melodic { c4 d e c }
                % ...
                soprano = \melodic { \theme \theme e f g2 %...

        This includes showing the variable expansion on screen, with
        or without the variable name.

I guess that's all for now.  (I've mentioned some of these ideas
before; hope you don't mind.)  Good luck!

[1] Of course I think it is -- it's mine. ;-)
[2] I don't consider digging into the mudela code «too impractical»,
unless the mudela output is terribly unreadable.


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