On Thu, 14 May 1998, Derek Wyatt wrote:

> > I would suggest that LilyX not be a separate stand-alone project.
> > Borrow from Lilypond: the Mudela I/O is probably applicable, if you
> > internally use the same classes as Lilypond.  Midi keyboard input can
> > start as mi2mu.  
> I certainly agree with everything you said except this point.  i honestly
> tried to find a way to make LilyX an integrated project with Lily but
> quite frankly these guys just work too damned hard on it.  It changes too
> fast.  I would spend 60% of the time integrating the X part into the brain
> with each new release.  The best i can do is stick as close as possible to
> Lily and hopefully do a huge integration down the road -- assuming that
> becomes a good idea.
It's probably a good idea to start with a version of Lilypond that works 
well for you, and don't upgrade that installation very often while you're in
the middle of your work.

Is the team using CVS?  I don't remember if that was mentioned.  I 
personally use CVS at home and at work for all developments.  I can 
put all kinds of personalized bells and whistles on a program, and still 
upgrade it when the new version comes out.

Dave  | Email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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