> On the pending approval of HWN and JCN (reading this guys?) the
> first few


> thousand releases of lilyx will be LyX like because of the extreme
> difficulty of integration when LilyPond changes so often.

> It will be coded in c++ to keep in line with current efforts (you guys got
> some serious problem with C or something?! :) ).

No, it is just that C doesn't cut it for this large projects: you
spend too much time debugging malloc problems and rewriting generic
code (mimicking C++ templates).
> GTK will be used for all
> of the happy widgets.  For the staves, notes, etc.. i'm still considering
> DPS (suggested by HWN) and something along the lines of XCircuit, with
> some heavy modifications.  Although probably more work, i'm leaning
> towards the xcircuit side of things at the moment.

Maybe you could check out Rosegarden,
http://www.bath.ac.uk/~masjpf/rose.html.  It is a GUI notation/MIDI
package for X, and judging from their mailing list, they working hard to
port it to GTK / C++.   If you'd start working on Rosegarden, you
would have a decent prototype up and running in almost no time.

> Oh yeah.. and i gotta go get my hair cut today.


> what i am gonna need are 1) wish lists, 2) coding ideas, 3) mudela files
> that will point out things that i wouldn't think of (i mostly write jazz
> lead sheets -- pretty simple as far as lily is concerned), 4)design

1).  Wish   lists: oddly enough,  I almost  never typeset music myself
:-).  However, I am very intrigued by the  workings of music notation.
For  this reason, I don't  have many wishes.   One wish (inspired by a
friend/composer/conductor) is reduced views: when composing our the
said conductor just puts 8 or 6 sheets of the score on his desk, so he
can have an overview.  There should be something in LilyX to allow you
to have an overview.

I was thinking of multiple views (windows) on the document and leaving
out measures/staffs per view.

2)  Uhh.  You got me there.  I think the biggest hurdle is going from
batch (a la LilyPond) to incremental algorithms.

3) See the LilyPond archive.  BTW, if you run RedHat, you can get RPMs
that should work.


Han-Wen Nienhuys, [EMAIL PROTECTED] ** GNU LilyPond - The Music Typesetter 

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