i got so excited about lilypond 1.0 last night that i stayed up late
hacking out my first score, then got up this morning and finished it
(at least for now).  check it out at:


i'd really like to hear comments and suggestions on the source file.
i made it the lazy person's way:  just took the well tempered clavier
file and started editing it.  :)  so, there may be better ways of
doing things i've done in there.

some questions i have already:

about the score:
what's the correct way to add the tempo marking "largo" at the

any suggestions on how to do cejilla marks?  these are guitar
   notations telling you when and how to bar several strings.  for
   example, "C V" means to make a bar across all the strings at the
   fifth fret, and "1/2C IX" means to bar the top three strings at the
   ninth fret.  when you have several of these markings on the same
   line, they should always be on the same horizontal plane, and it's
   also customary to draw a line showing for how long the bar
   should be held.  is there anything in the current lilypond bag of
   tricks that could help with this?  hmmmm...  maybe they should be
   done as lyrics; will look into that.

any suggestions on how to do string marks?  these are circled numbers,
   1-6, indicating upon which string a note should be played.

about the ordering of fingering numbers: shouldn't the one pertaining
   to a higher note be positioned above that a associated with a lower
   note?  if i do this:
   < c-1 a-2 >
   , i end up with the number 2 positioned over the number 1, when the
   fingering is actually 1 for the higher note, and 2 for the lower.

also, why does only one zero show up in the third eighth beat of
   measure 10?  the notes are:
   < g-0 b-0 >
   , which should result in two 0s on top of each other.

is there a way to add extra space between stems and fingerings, for
   example in measure nine, where the 0 is covered by the flag stem?

and is there a way to shorten the flags in measure 13, where they
   collide with the bass notes?

about the midi output:

is there any way to make midi output follow the actual course
   of the music, instead of just the course of the score?  for
   example, this piece has two sections, with the first repeated after
   the second is played.  is there a way i could set these up as
   section1 and section2, and then do this:
   in the \midi{} command?

in the midi output, why do i only hear the first note in each chord?

how do i set the midi instrument so i get a guitar instead of a

and before you tell me to rtfm, where is the fm?  :)  what's happened
   to the mudela manual?  it's not in /usr/doc/lilypond-[version] any
   more in the rpm installation; the only copy i have is one i printed
   last may.


| jeff covey [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://pobox.com/~jeff.covey/ 410-669-4926 |
|         microsoft gives you windows... linux gives you the whole house.    |

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