
A few comments on your score and your questions.

I recommend that you use \key instead of \accidentals, e.g.
\key E; instead of \accidentals fis cis gis dis;
There seems to be a bug in the implementation of "key undo", 
when you go from e major to g major, the clarifying natural
signs should only appear at the change, not at every line.
(Eric Bullinger are you reading this?).

When you set \property Voice . textstyle =  "finger",
you get a special font that only includes numbers, thats
why you don't get the "CII" and "fine" you asked for in
the .ly file. You could reset the property each time
you want something else than fingerings unless you are
willling to use the default textstyle also for fingerings.

> jeff> also, why does only one zero show up in the third eighth beat of
> jeff> measure 10?  the notes are: < g-0 b-0 > , which should result in
> jeff> two 0s on top of each other.

> It's a bug (currently if the same text is attached to more than one
> note in a chord, the text is merged.  This allows crescendos (e.g.) to
> be specified in each part, so that whether the parts are gathered on a
> single system or printed out separately, things look right). 

Which means that you can probably fool Lilypond by writing < g-0 b-"0 " >

> is there any way to make midi output follow the actual course
>    of the music, instead of just the course of the score?  for
>    example, this piece has two sections, with the first repeated after
>    the second is played.  is there a way i could set these up as
>    section1 and section2, and then do this:
>          \section1
>          \section2
>          \section1
>    in the \midi{} command?

As stated in the documentation, the midi output is fairly primitive,
primarily meant for proof-reading. However you could get what you
ask for if you make two \score commands, one for the paper version 
and one for the midi version. 

> in the midi output, why do i only hear the first note in each chord? 

Last time I tried, I got all the notes of the chords, but i haven't 
tried it version 1.0.0 yet.

> jeff> and before you tell me to rtfm, where is the fm?  :) what's 
> jeff>  happened to the mudela manual?  it's not in 
> jeff> /usr/doc/ lilypond-[version] any more in the rpm installation; 
> jeff> the only copy i have is one i printed last may.

> It's in the source release.... Can't help you with the RPM. 

I don't know about the RPM either, but you should know that the file
is called 'mudela.*' if you look for it. If you don't find it and
don't want to prepare it yourself from the source, you'll find
it on the web page (http://www.cs.ruu.nl/people/hanwen/lilypond/
Documentation/tex/out-www/mudela.html) but only in html format.
Otherwise I could send you a PS file tonight.


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