> Well, for non-gurus not running Linux or .. (burp),
> the instructions would look like this:

OK, I think maybe I can be of some use here by writing some HTML waffle.
How about the following?

Regards Silas

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
   <META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html;
   <META NAME="GENERATOR" CONTENT="Mozilla/4.07 [en] (X11; I; Linux 2.0.34
i686) [Netscape]">

Novice installation instructions for Unix</H2>
These instructions are intended for people who have accounts on Unix (or
Unix-like) systems and want to install LilyPond in their home
It is assumed that you know how to log in to the system that you have an
account on and that you have full access to a command shell (over
or similar), not just <TT>ftp</TT> access or a menu system.&nbsp; In other
words, you should be able to get to a prompt at which you can type
to look at your files, <TT>mkdir</TT> to make a directory and so on.&nbsp;
If you are in doubt about whether your account gives you access to the
shell, then please contact your system administrator.
<P>The lilypond package requires certain publically-available programs
to be already existing on the Unix system.&nbsp; Fortunately these
are already present on most well set-up systems, but if for some reason
they are not present on yours then the installation may go wrong.
<P><B>Important note</B>: Unlike DOS, Unix is case-sensitive.&nbsp; It
matters whether or not a letter is capital in a file or directory
So <TT>pub/gnu</TT> is <B>not</B> the same as <TT>pub/GNU</TT>.
<P>Log in to a Unix or Unix-alike system using <TT>telnet</TT> or similar,
and type:
<P><TT>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; cd ~</TT>
<BR><TT>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; ftp ftp.cs.uu.nl</TT>
<P>When prompted for your name, enter the word <TT>anonymous</TT>.&nbsp;
As instructed, type your complete email address as the password.
<P>You should see a message that ends with something like the following:
<P><TT>230 Guest login ok, access restrictions apply.</TT>
<BR><TT>Remote system type is UNIX.</TT>
<BR><TT>Using binary mode to transfer files.</TT>
<P>If you do not, then something has gone wrong.&nbsp; If all is well,
then type:
<P><TT>cd pub/GNU/LilyPond/stable</TT>
<P>for the "stable" version, or
<P><TT>cd pub/GNU/LilyPond/development</TT>
<P>for the development version.&nbsp; It is highly recommended that you
choose the "stable" version if you are not experienced.&nbsp; If all is
well, you should see the message:
<P><TT>250 CWD command successful.</TT>
<P>Now type:
<P><TT>ls -rt</TT>
<P>Among the last lines of the output, there should be a file of the form
lilypond-x.y.z.tar.gz, where x, y and z are numbers.&nbsp; Substituting
those numbers for x, y and z, type
<P><TT>get lilypond-x.y.z.tar.gz</TT>
<P>At this point you may have to wait while the file is transferred into
your home directory.&nbsp; If all is well, you should eventually see a
message including the line
<P><TT>226 Transfer complete.</TT>
<P>followed by something about how many bytes were transferred.&nbsp; Now
type the following, again substituting x, y and z for the numbers in
<BR><TT>gzip -dc lilypond-x.y.z.tar.gz | tar xf -</TT>
<BR><TT>rm lilypond-x.y.z.tar.gz</TT>
<BR><TT>mv lilypond-x.y.z lilypond</TT>
<BR><TT>cd lilypond</TT>
<P>At this point you will see many, many messages.&nbsp; Don't worry -
you don't have to read them all!&nbsp; Soon you will be returned to the
prompt and, if all is well, the last few lines should say
"creating"&nbsp;various things, without any sort of error.&nbsp; Now type:
<P><TT>nice -1 make</TT>
<P>(that is a number one not a letter L), at which point even more cryptic
messages will begin to appear, and will carry on for even longer.&nbsp;
Be patient (or do something else in another window) for a while&nbsp;and
wait for it all to stop and the prompt to reappear at the bottom.&nbsp;
On some slower systems it can take an hour or more, but hopefully you
have to wait that long.&nbsp; When all is finished (and hopefully the last
line does not include "Error"), you can type
<P><TT>nice -1 make install</TT>
<P>When this has also finished, you may proceed to the <A
tutorial</A> and start using Lilypond.
<P>In future, you may enter the Lilypond directory by typing:
<BR><TT>cd ~/lilypond</TT>

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