On Sat, 4 Sep 1999, Shamus wrote:

> Gripe #4:  Tempo marking.  It would be nice if lily typeset the tempo that I
> have set near the beginning in a somewhat standard way (such as: .| = 110,
> where ".|" is a small quarter note).

While this is not possible with lilypond itself, you can work around
this by using a custom LaTeX "envelope" instead of using ly2dvi. If
you do that, you also have full control over the whole page layout and
over how the headings are typeset.

For example, I have a file 'envelope.latex':

--- SNIP ---

% -*-LaTeX-*-

\geometry{width=188mm, left=11mm, height=280mm, top=6.5mm}

\chead{\bf Aus meines Herzens Grunde}
\rfoot{Seite \thepage\ von \pageref{LastPage}}
\lfoot{\small Non-commercial copying welcome. {\tt [EMAIL PROTECTED]}}
\rfoot{Seite \thepage\ von \pageref{LastPage}}
\lfoot{\small Non-commercial copying welcome. {\tt [EMAIL PROTECTED]}}

{\Huge\bf Aus meines Herzens Grunde}

{\large\sl Choralvorspiel}

{\bf Allegro moderato (\includegraphics{halfnote.eps} $\approx$ 120)}
{\sc Michael Krause 06/1999, \#1}



--- SNAP ---

This file includes "choral.tex" which is the file generated by
Lilypond (and *only* lilypond, not ly2dvi!). The headings are written
in real TeX code in the envelope file. Here, you could also switch to
your favourite font, of course -- if you know a bit about TeX/LaTeX
(I'm not that good at it either).

Have a look at the "Allegro moderato" line -- it contains a "halfs =
120" entry; The half note including the stem is an Embedded PostScript
(eps) file included with \includegraphics{}. I've generated that file
using Lilypond, of course. I start with 'halfnote.ly':

--- SNIP ---

\score {
        \notes \relative e' {
        \header {
                tagline = "";
        \paper {
                linewidth = -1.\cm;
                \translator {
                        \remove Clef_engraver;
                        \remove Staff_symbol_engraver;

--- SNAP ---

(note how I remove the Clef and Staff_symbol engravers, so that really
only the note and its stem get typeset)

And the following two commands generate 'halfnote.eps' from that:

        ly2dvi -N halfnote.ly
        dvips -X 600 -Y 600 -Z -E -o halfnote.eps halfnote.dvi

I admit this has been a bit of work, but once one has an envelope and
a Makefile for the whole process, it's very comfortable to work with!

hope this helps,

michael krause [aka raw style / lego] - www.tu-harburg.de/~semk2104/

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