>It is in the documentation! In the reference manual you will find a list
>of different Staff properties that can be set, including Staff.instrument
>and Staff.instr. The latter gives an alternative string to be used
>on all staves after the first one. In your case, you want to set
>Staff.instr=" " (since the empty string "" is interpreted as ``not set'').
>The vertical placement of the "Piano" label is a known bug (even solved in
>the latest version?).

Thanks!  Although I thought I pored over the documentation, I must have
missed it...

>> Michael:  Your suggestion for tweaking the TeX file would probably work,
>> isn't that exactly the kind of mucking around that LilyPond is supposed
>> eliminate?  ;-p
>Actually, Lilyond itself only concentrates on typesetting music.
>The script ly2dvi gives simple support for adding titles but if you
>want to do more advanced text typesetting around the music, it could
>be worthwhile to take a look also at mudela-book.

What I was referring to specifically was the printing of tempi--something
that *is* a part of the music and should be handled by Lilypond, that is, if
Lilypond is a 'music typesetter' (which is what the web site claims)!
Tweaking fonts and things *are* all a part of typesetting music (though
perhaps not as big a part as setting the score).  Why shouldn't it be able
to do that tweaking through the \paper block?

BTW, has the ChordNames context been addressed already?  Is it a dead issue?
Is someone working on it?

-- Shamus

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