> >> Gripe #5:  Staff labeling.  Is it possible to label each staff at the
> >> beginning of a piece (i.e., text to the left of the beginning of each
> >> stave)?  This would be especially nice to have for scores where it is not
> >> necessarily obvious what the instrumentation is.
> >
> >see input/test/staff-margin.ly
> This is exactly what's needed!  Too bad it's not in the documentation...
> And too bad it doesn't do what I want it to (it prints "Piano " in front of
> each staff instead of once in front of the brace, and it prints headings on
> every system of staves--I only need it on the first system)...

It is in the documentation! In the reference manual you will find a list
of different Staff properties that can be set, including Staff.instrument
and Staff.instr. The latter gives an alternative string to be used
on all staves after the first one. In your case, you want to set
Staff.instr=" " (since the empty string "" is interpreted as ``not set'').
The vertical placement of the "Piano" label is a known bug (even solved in
the latest version?).

> Michael:  Your suggestion for tweaking the TeX file would probably work, but
> isn't that exactly the kind of mucking around that LilyPond is supposed to
> eliminate?  ;-p
Actually, Lilyond itself only concentrates on typesetting music. 
The script ly2dvi gives simple support for adding titles but if you
want to do more advanced text typesetting around the music, it could
be worthwhile to take a look also at mudela-book.


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