>> Gripe #5:  Staff labeling.  Is it possible to label each staff at the
>> beginning of a piece (i.e., text to the left of the beginning of each
>> stave)?  This would be especially nice to have for scores where it is not
>> necessarily obvious what the instrumentation is.
>see input/test/staff-margin.ly

This is exactly what's needed!  Too bad it's not in the documentation...
And too bad it doesn't do what I want it to (it prints "Piano " in front of
each staff instead of once in front of the brace, and it prints headings on
every system of staves--I only need it on the first system)...  Also, I
noticed when I made this example (staff-margin.ly) that it put the text
"Piano " right on top of the text "Right ".  Is this the correct behaviour
of this directive?  It seems to me that the word "Piano " should be centered
between the staves (in front of the brace) rather than be placed in front of
the top staff...

Michael:  Your suggestion for tweaking the TeX file would probably work, but
isn't that exactly the kind of mucking around that LilyPond is supposed to
eliminate?  ;-p

-- Shamus

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