There won't be a single solution for everyone. I doubt
that there could be a single solution just for me. I have
written songs from which I expect royalties for performance and would
be much less interested in the sheet music rights and I have written
spielmusik in which the return from sale of the printed music is much
more important to me. The only answer is to require a title page, in
which the author may state his intentions. The author is able to
enforce his copyright without any agreements from anyone, so I don't
understand why the discussion of this aspect of the subject has
gone on so long. The webmaster of Mutopia is free to demand that
the author assent to any conditions whatever and the author is
free not to contribute.

A whole series of possible editable copyright notices and title pages
would be good. So would a selection of b&w and colored covers.
Peace, understanding, health and happiness to all beings!
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dave  N Va USA    David Raleigh Arnold   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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