Alain Culos wrote:

> I think the Mutopia Project should really have a single licence
> policy. That would make it much simpler for all and clearcut. 

I think that's true, but a huge amount of popular classical music is
already in the public domain because the copyright has expired and it's
not very clear that we can copyright just the typesetting - at least not
in some countries.  Also, there are some people who dislike copyleft-style
licenses, and if they create free music which is licensed BSD-style, I
don't see why we shouldn't accept this free music into Mutopia.

> How did they handle the licencing issue on the Gutemberg project ?
> Does anyone know ?

The vast majority of their work is released as public domain work.  A few
works are copyrighted, with royalty-free licenses.  Project Gutenburg
does predate the invention of the GPL and copyleft, though.

A problem shared is a problem squared.

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