Modern copyright law(s) work without any copyright notice.
If modern copyright laws work without a copyright notice, why are you
concerned with its placement? The law, by treaty, is very specific about
both its placement and its form. Its omission (or not) from non-printed
media is totally irrelevant.

I am not a lawyer but I have actually read a copyright case. The judge
enforced the author's rights and refused to be daunted by
technicalities. An author had copyrighted a chord wheel as a musical
composition instead of something else, but the judge did'nt care about
that, and the Alfred Music Co. had to burn all of those books. :-)

U. S. courts have been much better than U. S. legislators in
their treatment of authors, probably not because they have good
judgement but because they are generally far less corrupt, but you
cannot rationally expect an author's rights to be enforced with as much
zeal if he himself pays no attention to his rights when he publishes,
especially because every case is about money, or there is no case.
People should go to jail for egregious copyright violations, but they

Free software abounds with credits for everyone who has ever worked at
a project, even to the suppliers of the donuts and coffee, and that is
as it should be, IMHO. Are you trying to cram everything into agate type
at the bottom of the first page? I don't understand this reluctance to
require title pages. Doesn't everyone deserve their fuzzies?

A title page is necessary. :-)

And *desirable*. :-)

I hope that no one has to agree with anything or even read
anything before downloading. That would be really pointless.
Peace, understanding, health and happiness to all beings!
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dave  N Va USA    David Raleigh Arnold   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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