On Mon, Apr 17, 2000 at 10:53:33AM +0200, Werner Icking wrote:
> Everything occurs at the place where it belongs to e.g. 10 bar rest,
> "rit." 3 bar rest, "double bar"+"key change"+"a tempo", 5 bar rest, ...

ok, I see.  Cue notes would help much, too, I guess.

> [...]
> > It might get complicated in pieces like e.g.
> > the slow movement of the second piano concerto, where there is a cello
> > solo. I don't know how it is done in printed music, but I think the
> > part for the solo cello should be identical to the cello tutti part, except
> > at the solo sections, where the notes are replaced by the solo. [...]
> In all cases I know of there are identical parts for all players of
> the same voice if there is a solo within a parts. E.g. in Bach
> cantatas single movements are played completely solo e.g. by a violin.
> This solo is printed in all parts.

Do you suggest having an accolade of two staffs in the cello part
for the concerto above?  While the solo cello is playing his solo, the rest
of the cellos are playing different notes!

> Maybe that this practice could be dropped for "self-printed" parts.
> Nevertheless it's a good exercise for the non-solo players to play
> the solo at home :-)

Definitely.  Every piece of music one is trying on the instrument is
widening the experience.  Reading the notes gets you much closer to
the music than just listening, and trying to play (even if it is much too
hard) is even better.  At least that's my experience! (Not to speak of

Dirk Lattermann     | Information is not knowledge | Beauty is not love
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | Knowledge is not wisdom      | Love is not music
Bonn, Germany       | Wisdom is not truth          | Music is THE BEST
                    | Truth is not beauty          |         (Frank Zappa)

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