> I am trying to set some examples which display some rules about note
> beaming.  This is for discuss on the denemo mailing list and part of my
> PhD research.  In the following example I require the second bar to be
> notated as the third bar but with a beam covering all the notes.
> \score {
>    \notes \relative c' {
>       \clef "violin";
>       \time 3/8;
>       [a8 a16 a8 a16] |
>       [a8 a16] [a8 a16] |
>       \time 6/16;
>       [a8 a16] [a8 a16]
>    }
>    \paper { linewidth = 10.0\cm;}
> }     
> This is so that I can show that the beaming effects the grouping of a
> rhythm.

I guess you want something like

[a8 \property Voice.stemRightBeamCount=1 a16 
  \property Voice.stemLeftBeamCount=1 a8 a16] |

(Why isn't there any example of this in input/test/* )


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