Please remember that people with other unix based OS's are trying to get
this darn program to compile as well.  If you could include some
instructions on how to install slibc that don't include, get rpm xyz.rpm and
install it, that would be useful to others as well.

Jeremy Collins wrote:

> Matt Armstrong wrote:
> >
> > Yes.  A lot of the gnucash support modules are either not commonly
> > used (XmHTML, guile, etc.) or are still unstable (gnome, etc.).
> >
> > I think the responsability is on gnucash folks to supply the relevant
> > RPMs and FAQs for installing all the stuff gnucash needs.  A lot of
> > the questions are "where is the RPM for XYZ" so having an organized
> > answer for that would be good.
> >
> I will take responsibility for this if no one else is willing.  I
> started to work on a FAQ a bit ago but never finished.  I suppose now is
> the time to get it done.
> >
> > I think the guile integration will both turn some people away and
> > allow others to contribute at the same time.
> >
> Turns me off, but who am I? ;)
> --
> Jeremy Collins
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