On Mon, Jan 17, 2000 at 05:41:14PM +1100, Robert Graham Merkel wrote:
> Matt Martin writes:
>  > Hello list,
>  > 
>  > First off, congrats on getting gnucash into stable/usable form.  Things
>  > are vastly improved since I started playing with this more than 6 months
>  > ago.
>  > 
>  > There have been lots of patches flying by, many targeting reports, but
>  > even after hopefully applying them I still seem to get something to the
>  > effect of:
>  > 
>  > ERROR: In procedure string-length:
>  > ERROR: Wrong type argument in position 1: #f
>  > ....
>  > then crash
>  > 
>  > when trying to get reports.
>  > 
> That's odd.  I don't *use* string-length (I wrote the transaction
> report code), and as far as I can see neither do any of the other 
> reporting functions.  

I think that's due to the use of slib2c4 instead of slib2c6. There seem
to be differences in string handling there; there was a discussion of
this bug only yesterday, I think. Getting the newest slib-Version should
fix it.


.. . .. .... .. . ... .. . ... ... ... .. ... ...... ... .. .... ........
  Jan Schrage           [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  PGP Public Key:       http://www.unix-ag.uni-kl.de/~schrage/pubkey.asc          

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