
  After some investigation, sprintf is choking on the #f passed as the string
 As it turns out, "string-length" is right in the begining of the sprintf def.

I am going to try to upgrade my slib from what looks like 2b4
    (wish me luck, one can only guess what this will break...)

Though I am curious what #f is supposed to do as the string argument to
        (pass back result maybe ?)

Anyway, I will report back how it works.

Robert Graham Merkel wrote:

> Matt Martin writes:
>  > Hello list,
>  >
>  > First off, congrats on getting gnucash into stable/usable form.  Things
>  > are vastly improved since I started playing with this more than 6 months
>  > ago.
>  >
>  > There have been lots of patches flying by, many targeting reports, but
>  > even after hopefully applying them I still seem to get something to the
>  > effect of:
>  >
>  > ERROR: In procedure string-length:
>  > ERROR: Wrong type argument in position 1: #f
>  > ....
>  > then crash
>  >
>  > when trying to get reports.
>  >
> That's odd.  I don't *use* string-length (I wrote the transaction
> report code), and as far as I can see neither do any of the other
> reporting functions.
> If possible, could you send me an example data file and instructions
> for causing the crash(es) you describe, so as I can reproduce them?
>  > In the best case,test report seems to work.  And sometimes the
>  > transaction report shows
>  > a blank report (header only) instead of crashing.
>  >
> So when you change the preferences do generate a non-empty transaction
> report, does it then crash?
>  > Sooo, what I would like to know is:
>  >
>  > Can anyone summarize where gnucash is with respect to reports ?
>  >
> Sure.  In previous versions of gnucash, reporting was provided by Perl
> code.  In the interests of standardising and (eventually) removing
> Perl dependancies, reports were rewritten in Scheme (the Perl code is
> still around but will be removed somewhere along the line).
> At the moment, there are three Scheme-based reports available -
> balance sheets, profit and loss statements, and transaction reports.
> The profit-and-loss statement needs to be extended to work over a
> specific period, and the transaction report still has a minor date
> selection bug in and needs extension to allow configurable transaction
> sorting order and perhaps subtotaling.
> At the moment, the report code directly emit HTML, which is then
> rendered by a HTML display widget.  I've recently added the ability to
> save the generated HTML (so you can print it, for instance).
> However, there is a proposal waiting in the wings for a more
> sophisticated system, which would involve a set of report-writing
> functions which were adaptable to support multiple output formats,
> including output to HTML, LaTeX, printing using gnome-print, export
> to ASCII, and even export to Gnumeric.  This is all fine and dandy,
> but there are still some details to be agreed upon before we can
> go and implement this.  However, when we do, we will have a very
> sophisticated reporting system.
>  >   Most importantly, what will it take to get them working ?
> They *should* work right now.
>  >   How can those outside the inner development circle help ?
> Send in bug reports :)  Seriously, when you do send a bug report,
> try to provide as much information as possible, including which
> version you are using (in fact, it's best if you use the latest CVS
> + Dave Peticolas' bigpatch, as it's what the developers are using),
> exact details of error messages, and, if it's a scheme error, details
> about your Guile and SLIB setup.
>  >    Not being a scheme wizard, I'm not even sure where to start when
>  > looking at these beasts !
>  >     I know things are still in development, but is there any
>  > documentation which could explain the function calls, etc ?
> Yes.  Have a look at src/g-wrap/gnc.html.  It explains most of the
> function calls to the engine.  The guile-ref info file explains any
> guileisms we may have used, and the slib info file explains the
> slib library.
> The engine itself is pretty well documented - have a poke around in
> the src/engine subdirectory and read the comments if you need more
> details about how the engine calls work.
> If you need general information about Scheme,
> http:///
> has some pointers to get started.
> It may initially look a little weird to a C or Perl coder, but
> Scheme is actually a quite easy-to-learn and really cool language.
>  >
>  >    Also, given that these things are going to be in a state of flux for
>  > a while, can the gui/engine be made resiliant to the crash of improper
>  > report code ?
>  >
> I don't know (I'm not familiar with that part of the code).  Somebody
> else will have to answer this one.  The point is that the report code
> *shouldn't* crash, and if it does it should be fixed.
>  > I would dare say that the ability to quickly summarize ones financial
>  > position is much of the point for tracking money in the computer.  This
>  > would be especially useful if done in graphical form(someday)
>  >
> Agreed.  Work on GUPPI has apparently started up again.  If they
> succeed in getting something up and running, we can probably use
> Bonobo to add charting capabilities with a minimum of extra coding.
> Gnumeric will also eventually have plotting capabilities, so talking
> to Gnumeric using CORBA is also a quite viable option.
>  > Glad to help, if somebody can provide some starting pointers...
> Sure.  Once we get your bug sorted out (which I suspect is probably
> a Guile configuration problem), pick a small feature that you'd like
> to add, have a look at the code and figure out how you'd add it.
> To keep in sync with other developers, get the latest CVS and apply
> Dave's bigpatches.  When you have some code that you want to share,
> make a patch with the make-gnucash-patch script and send it to
> gnucash-patches.
> If you get stuck (and we all do - I'm regular asking the more
> experienced developers lots of questions), ask the list and we'll try
> to help you out.  It's not that hard to get started - I started a
> couple of months ago and within a week or so I'd contributed a little
> patch.
> --
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Robert Merkel                                               [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Humanity has advanced, when it has advanced, not because it has been sober,
> responsible, and cautious, but because it has been playful, rebellious, and
> immature.
>                 -- Tom Robbins
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> --
> Gnucash Developer's List
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 Matt Martin

600 West Grove Parkway  #1042
Tempe, AZ, 85283

(480) 775 2660

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