
Fred wrote:
> As far as I can tell none of the recent commits in gui or back is
> related to any reported bug.

> [snip]

> I am referring to the ongoing changes to gui by Eric and Doug. All of
> these are valid changes as far as I can tell. They surely fix some
> behaviour that was annoying enough for them. But all these changes may
> and did also introduce new issues to others. This is fine in normal
> development mode, while trying to come up with a stable release it wont
> help.

It's true that the changes I've been submitting aren't in response to bugs in 
the GNUstep bug system. We are actively fixing bugs in our own application. As 
an illustration, when we have a bug that affects only the Windows version of 
our product, I'm pretty sure that it's caused by a problem somewhere in 
GNUstep, but I don't know for sure until I dig in and debug exactly what's 
going wrong. This typically takes several hours of debugging, at which point I 
can see what the problem is, so I fix it.

Now, at that point I suppose I could enter a bug on savannah and then mark it 
as fixed, but I don't really see the point of doing that (and I'm under a lot 
of time pressure right now, as we are scheduled for a release next week!). So 
I've just been careful to review my own fixes and try to describe what I'm 
fixing when I check it in.

Since we're in 'code freeze' mode, I hope that someone (maybe more than one 
someone?) is looking at any changes that are checked in to make sure they look 
sane, and perhaps think about whether they might have unintended consequences.

I'm about to check in a significant fix, that substantially improves 
performance on Windows (with in-window menus). The change dramatically reduces 
the frequency of rebuilding the Windows menus. They were rebuilding with every 
event rather than only when needed. The resulting drag on performance wasn't 
just an "annoyance" -- it basically made editing text in an NSTextView almost 

I've checked my code over carefully, and believe it won't have any negative 
consequences. As part of this fix, I corrected a bug in NSMenu which was never 
setting its supermenu ivar correctly, and improved NSMenuItem to only notify 
its menu that it has changed when something actually changes. It's conceivable 
that that could impact some other code, but is clearly more "correct" now than 
its former behavior.

The main impact of this change will only be on Windows for applications that 
use in-window menus. For those applications, there is a small chance that I 
missed something such that menus will fail to update when they should, now that 
they're not updating all the time (I don't think so, but it's worth watching 
out for).

I could hold off on submitting this change, but it seems to me like exactly the 
kind of fix that I (at least) would like to see going in right now. So I plan 
to check it in as soon as it's validated by some other people here. Please let 
me know if you see any problems with this change or any others that I submit.

We really appreciate the timing of this "feature freeze", by the way, since we 
are in the middle of a release. Knowing that things are relatively stable and 
only getting bug fixes is perfect for us right now. 

And while I'm at it, I'd like to say "THANK YOU" to everyone on the GNUstep 
team! The more I dig into the code, the more I'm reminded of what an incredible 
amount of work has gone into it, and despite the bugs (which are frustrating, 
and are the cause of my digging into the code in the first place) there is an 
amazing amount of functionality here that is working really well. Hopefully our 
small contributions will help GNUstep to be even better.



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