Am 31.12.2013 um 02:09 schrieb Sebastian Reitenbach:

> Hi all,
> I guess everybody knows, and also agrees that the GNUstep website is looking 
> fairly dated, and that
> finding contents in it, is somtetimes only possible with help of google.
> the last few days I spent on thinking about the website, what it may need, 
> digging html5 and css3,
> and came up with the following design, that you can find here:

While nicely and cleanly done, the proposal reminds me somewhat of I am not sure if this is a good idea, in my opinion people 
could come to the conclusion that we're now some kind of sister project of GTK. 
Which is a strange Idea as everyone involved with GNUstep would confirm, but do 
outsiders know? Is this just me and my view at the layout or are others see it 
the same?


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