Am 15.01.2014 22:26, schrieb Niels Grewe:
>> I'd love to see the Ubuntu packages use this and the GNOME theme by
>> default, so GNUstep applications looked and felt like other
>> applications out of the box.
> Yes, I imagine that would do wonders for public perception. I’ve just
> added code to the Gnome theme that loads the DBusMenu bundle if it is
> available and lets the menu server display the menu if it is
> available.

While I'm still busy overhauling all the packaging for Debian/Ubuntu,
such efforts definitely fuel my encouragement.

One thing I'm not yet sure about is, how to get this into action.
Expecting people to install not just an application, but also the theme
corrsponding to the prefered desktop isn't idiot-proof, so not ideal.

Any idea on how to solve this?


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Dipl. Ing. (FH) Markus Hitter

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