
I am in agreement with your conclusion but I would like to address a couple
of points...

On Sat, Feb 4, 2017 at 2:24 PM, Richard Frith-Macdonald <> wrote:

> > On 3 Feb 2017, at 21:45, Fred Kiefer <> wrote:
> >
> > Sorry, I must have missed something. Why GitHub as the main repository?
> We had a very similar discussion before, but without the time pressure and
> there, as far as I remember, we all agreed to move to git on Savannah, plus
> a mirror on GitHub and some SVN access to that.
> Allow me to change my mind ... I've had a few years using git now, enough
> to have a properly informed opinion:
> It's trendy and is good for huge projects, but for a small project like
> GNUstep is overly complex and hard to understand/use relatavie to
> subversion so, to gain any benefit. we need to have it as easy to use as
> possible.

​I want to alleviate a concern which seems to arise every time this is
mentioned: I am not interest in git because it is "trendy" or "cool" I am
interested in git because it is useful, it easily manages branches and
merging (much more transparently than svn), and also... it is what students
who are coming out of Universities and High Schools are being taught to
use.​   Look at Harvard and other Universities and you will see that many
of them have courses on git and use it as the main source code management
tool. This is important... because when you want developers to join you
have to use the tools they are used to.  Additionally, there are more sites
and software devoted to integration with git than with subversion.  So
things such as source code review and making comments on source code such
that it can be viewed in context... sorry guys, but emails are hard to
track, can be missed and are just not good enough for this job... some
disagree, I know, but this is a fact.   We use this at my current job on
gitlab and it's VERY VERY useful when asking a question or proposing an

That means hosting it on a popular site where the best GUI tools (eg
> SourceTree, though I'm sure people like lots of other tools) work
> seamlessly.  Unfortunately Savannah just isn't integrated with the best new
> tools/systems.

​I share this concern.  Git is shoehorned in (and badly at that) at

> So, while I'd really prefer to use Savannah as a free software hosting
> site, I now believe it would be a poor option if we hope to encourage new
> users/contributors;  moving to git on Savannah would put an obstacle in the
> way of contributors.

​Also agreed.

> I think we'd want a github master, rgularly copied to savannah so we have
> a presence there, or possibly a dual-master system (though it's not clear
> to me that git really supports dual master).


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