On Thu, Mar 14, 2013 at 5:23 PM, Leslie Carr <l...@ecs.soton.ac.uk> wrote:

There have already been joint publisher/repository initiatives such as
> PIRUS/COUNTER that deal with this situation. See
> http://www.jisc.ac.uk/whatwedo/programmes/pals3/pirus.aspx
> "The aim of this project is to develop COUNTER-compliant usage reports at
> the individual article level that can be implemented by any entity
> (publisher, aggregator, IR, etc.,) that hosts online journal articles and
> will enable the usage of research outputs to be recorded, reported and
> consolidated at a global level in a standard way."

> On 14 Mar 2013, at 21:19, "Stevan Harnad" <har...@ecs.soton.ac.uk<mailto:
> har...@ecs.soton.ac.uk>> wrote:
> On 2013-03-14, at 1:13 AM, Nick Thieberger <th...@unimelb.edu.au<mailto:
> th...@unimelb.edu.au>> wrote:
> But what if the article is in an OA journal that would like to have the
> hit count for
> downloads from its site? Is there scope for the mandate to cover only
> non-OA
> journal articles perhaps?
> That would be an exceedingly bad solution, for authors, for their
> institutions
> for their research and for OA.
> And institutions would lose a simple, natural, powerful and uniform way to
> monitor
> mandate compliance by their authors.
> And what's more important: hit/download counts for authors, for their own
> articles,
> and for their institutions, or hit/download counts for publishers' sites?
> But in any case there's a simple (though silly) compromise:
> All articles (whether subscription or Gold, emargoed or not) must be
> immediately
> deposited in the author's institutional repository.
> Where the author either wishes to comply with a non-OA publisher's embargo
> on Green OA, or with a Gold-OA publisher's desire to have hit/download
> counts
> for its site, access to the deposit need not be made OA (until the embargo
> elapses or until the author tires of accommodating publishers' importunate
> nonsense).
> Stevan Harnad
> Nick Thieberger
> Editor
> Language Documentation & Conservation Journal
> http://www.nflrc.hawaii.edu/ldc/
> On 14 March 2013 11:16, Stevan Harnad <amscifo...@gmail.com<mailto:
> amscifo...@gmail.com>> wrote:
> Full Text: http://openaccess.eprints.org/index.php?/archives/994-.html
> Executive Summary: The proposed HEFCE/REF Open Access [OA] mandate<
> http://www.hefce.ac.uk/media/hefce/content/news/news/2013/open_access_letter.pdf>
> -- that in order to be eligible for REF, the peer-reviewed final draft of
> all journal articles must be deposited in the author’s institutional
> repository immediately upon publication, with embargoes applicable only to
> the date at which the article must be made OA – is excellent, and provides
> exactly the sort of complement required by the RCUK OA mandate. It ensures
> that authors deposit immediately and institutionally and it recruits their
> institutions to monitor and ensure compliance.
>       For journal articles, no individual or disciplinary exceptions or
> exemptions to the immediate-deposit are needed, but embargo length can be
> adapted to the discipline or even to exceptional individual cases.
>       Embargo length is even more important for open data, and should be
> carefully and flexibly adapted to the needs not only of disciplines and
> individuals, but of each individual research project.
>       Requiring monograph OA if the author does not wish to provide it is
> not reasonable, but perhaps many or most monograph authors would not mind
> depositing their texts as Closed Access.
> --
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