An immediate-deposit mandate moots most of this discussion. Versions and rights 
not be checked if the mandate simply says:

"Deposit the refereed draft immediately, and make it Closed Access."

So all this discussion is about what *else* you can do, and when.

Here's a list:

1. A sensible author will make the immediate-deposit OA immediately, just as 
have been successfully doing for decades with no problems.

2. A cautious author will look up the publsher's embargo policy as well as the 
embargo limit, and make the immediate-deposit OA at whichever date comes first.

3. A timid author will look up the publsher's embargo policy and make the 
immediate-deposit OA at whatever date the publisher indicates.

4. A foolish author will simply make the immediate-deposit and leave it as
Closed Access (attending to reprint requests generated by the request copy 
on an individual case by case basis).

The speed with which we reach 100% Green OA and beyond depends on the relative
proportion of foolish, timid, cautious and sensible authors.

But please, while we keep speculating, let us all mandate immediate-deposit.

I don't mean just:

"Deposit the refereed draft immediately, and make it Closed Access."

Improve on that in any way you like:

"and make it OA immediately"

"and make it OA immediately or after X months at the latest"

But in any case, deposit immediately!

Stevan Harnad

On 2013-03-21, at 9:40 AM, Hans PfeiffenbergAer <> 

> Am 21.03.13 10:35, schrieb Tim Brody:
>> By comparison, taking a copy is little extra effort and the institution
>> can say unambiguously that they have an open access copy. 
> wrong: if somebody uploads a PDF the institution
> - may have a copy if the identity of the file submitted or its equivalence 
> with the version of record can be established
> - may have an OA copy. But to establish that, someone at the institution (the 
> library?) must  check the copyright notice in it (if any) and possibly 
> consult with the authors about his/her contract with the publisher (because, 
> legally, something found on the web pages of the publisher or ROMEO does not 
> count), ...
> I just insisted on bean counting because it was done to the other side as 
> well. I think this could go on indefinitely and should therefore be stopped.
> Seen from a non-British perspective, the discussion has morphed from being 
> about Open Access to a discussion about controlling of science. And setting 
> up of mandates and policies which are the least costly to enforce. Cost to 
> the admin dept., of course! Where the library, if involved in this, may morph 
> into a branch of admin. 
> How very German! Enjoy!
> best,
> Hans
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