Dear Santosh,
Although I agree with you in the main, I think the
distinction between the "viewpoint" and the "person"
who holds that viewpoint is a blurred and tenuous one.
If one holds a certain belief, I think we extrapolate
that the person acts in a certain manner consistent
with the view he/she holds. As John Mill said
"Conservatives are not necessarily stupid but most
stupid people are conservative". :))

PS: No offence meant to conservatives, just using the
quote to make my point.
--- Santosh Helekar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Elisabeth,
> > 
> Nonetheless, as you might have realized my question
> was directed at the reflexive display of gratuitous
> contempt for the person holding an opposing
> viewpoint
> > 
> Cheers,
> Santosh
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