I've often wondered whether I should dedicatedly
further my own point of view in a debate because I
feel it is the right view or whether I should be
capable of holding two opposing points of view in my
mind and appreciating both of them.

I don't know the answer to that quandary. When I get
the answer maybe I will be "enlightened" like Nasci.
Then again, according to Nasci I am already
"enlightened" because I can eat dukra mass and a
masala dosa with equal ease, notwithstanding my
occasional "outbursts", which can be controlled when
need be by invoking the Holy Spirit. 


--- Santosh Helekar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> A question that arises quite frequently in internet
> discussions nowadays is: Can one engage in a
> rational
> discourse without expressing varying degrees of
> contempt for those who hold opposing points of view?
> Cheers,
> Santosh

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