--- cornel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Re the often said view of India making huge economic
> progress to super-power status, I can't help 
> feeling, following a recent visit, that this is a 
> myth at present. However, it is a very useful myth 
> as the growing confidence of young Indians 
> everywhere on the sub-continent is very evident.
> Hopefully, the myth will turn to reality soon even
> though I cannot bear the thought of another 
> dynastic Gandhi making the grade.
> Cornel
Mario observes:
To see whether it is a myth or reality one has to look
at the economic growth statistics and the list of
"heavy hitters" lining up to invest in India.
Looking around at the chaos while dodging cars,
pedestrians and spitballs is misleading.
Besides, this Gandhi seems to have his head screwed on
straight, when compared to his Grandfather, a hero of
the freedom struggle, who then led the country down
the primrose path that it is now recovering from.

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