Dear Mario,
It's a well-known fact that US Conservatives try to
claim as their own, heros that most certainly don't
belong to them. They do this by adding words like
compassionate and modern in front of the word
Conservative. But to claim John Mill as one of their
own is stretching the truth a bit too far.

I don't claim to know John Mill's writing in any
measure of depth. Infact, I just knew that one quote
from him. Much like you, I googled him and read about
him. John Mill was an acclaimed liberal thinker of him
time. He hated conservatives and any form of

As per your reference to his economic philosophy,
since when was being "laissez-faire", a conservative
monopoly? Infact, the word liberal in its earlier
connotations referred to "liberal" economists, who
advocated minimal government interference in
capitalist ventures.

Again it is only in the US, where liberals are
associated with the Democratic party; that one
associates liberals with trade unions and other forms
of government contrivance. In India for instance both
the Congress and the BJP are for the "liberalisation"
of the economy. You certainly wouldn't call the BJP or
the Congress liberals in other spheres of their
politics. Infact some of India's liberal thinkers come
from the Communist party.

Definitions are often skewed but this much I know that
John Mill would have his stomach churned if he were in
anyway associated with the US connotation of the word.
The Conservative Republican in the US, in my opinion,
singlehandedly will set American back a few decades in
terms of its thinking, ideology and not to mention its
geopolitics. And John Mill would have had nothing to
do with them.


--- Mario Goveia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I have no idea if John Mill really said what
> Elisabeth
> says he said, but on the off chance that readers may
> mistake John Mill for a modern political liberal,
> the
> following are some encyclopedic excerpts to show
> that
> John Mill was in every sense a modern political
> conservative-libertarian in the mold of Ronald
> Reagan:
> >
> 1. In the following year he was introduced to
> political economy and studied Adam Smith and David
> Ricardo with his father--ultimately completing their
> classical economic view of factors of production.
> >
> 2. One foundational book on the concept of liberty
> was
> "On Liberty", about the nature and limits of the
> power
> which can be legitimately exercised by society over
> the individual.
> >
> 3. Mill's main economic philosophy was one of
> laissez
> faire.
> >
> 4. Many cadets at the U.S Air Force Academy best
> remember him for the following quotation, which is
> required memorization for all fourthclassmen. "War
> is
> an ugly thing, but not the ugliest of things. The
> decayed and degraded state of moral and patriotic
> feeling which thinks that nothing is worth war is
> much
> worse. The person who has nothing for which he is
> willing to fight, nothing which is more important
> than
> his own personal safety, is a miserable creature and
> has no chance of being free unless made and kept so
> by
> the exertions of better men than himself."
> >
> Mario.
> >

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