--- cornel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Mario needs to note that historically and today,
> many an investor has lined up to invest in a range 
> of projects where the anticipated mythical economic 
> balloon burst soon after, despite all the available
> statistics.
Mario replies:
Cornel needs to note that neither Bill Gates nor
Laksmi Mittal became some of the richest men in the
world, starting from average middle-income status, by
investing in a range of projects where the anticipated
economic balloon burst soon after.  What crass
cynicism in the face of all the evidence.
Cornel writes:
> Notwithstanding the economic progress India is
> making, there is much, including statistical 
> evidence of grinding poverty among millions, severe 
> undernourishment of 57 million children, lack of
> quality control etc which makes the hoped for 
> economic super-power status a bit premature even 
> though I for one want it quite badly for India.
Mario replies:
Cornel needs to note that the grinding poverty and
severe undernourishment are legacies emanating from
the Fabian school of socialist economics that was a
millstone around the country's neck for it's first 50
years of independence.
I'm glad that Cornel says he wants prosperity for
India, notwithstanding his relentless cynicism about
the outcomes being predicted by every international
economic expert that has studied the subject,
especially those who are willing to put their money
behind their convictions.

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