--- Carvalho <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Dear Roland,
> There are many myths propagated about Americans by
> Indians but none that I dislike more than the one
> that assumes intellectual superiority over 
> Americans.  America is home to be best and 
> brightest, and I find it incredibly hard to believe 
> that Harvard and Yale students failed IIT entrance 
> exams while reciprocally IITs aced University 
> tests. 
Mario adds:
The myth you speak of is also propagated by the false
comparison between Harvard and Yale and the IIT's,
because it like comparing apples and oranges.
Harvard and Yale are best known for liberal arts,
business management, the law and general education,
whereas the IITs focus on math, science and
A more valid comparison for the IIT's would be MIT,
CalTech, Carnegie Mellon and the engineering schools
at Michigan, Illinois, Purdue and Georgia Tech.  How
many people would know that all the IITs have used the
resources and expertise of the major American
universities in their own development, and continue to
do so?
America's superiority manifests itself in producing
results by unashamedly welcoming to its shores the
financial resources and brainpower of the entire world
which ultimately benefits all it's citizens and then
ripples over the rest of the world.  The world has
come to appreciate that their resources and brainpower
can reliably and routinely be maximized in the
intellectually fertile American environment and
general lack of xenophobia and intellectual paranoia,
which befits a country that was formed by the world
and belongs to it.
It takes incredible wisdom, confidence and foresight
for a country to routinely run trade deficits to
benefit other countries and it's own citizens through
lower prices and better choices from imported products
and services, and then provide an economic environment
which attracts the surpluses back to the US in terms
of exports and short and long term investments.

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