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Hi Bhandare

Catholic Goans migrated out of Goa, to my personal knowledge from family 
records, from at least 1850. Most went out for economic reasons including 
those who moved to pre-partition India and Pakistan. However, sometime, I 
would like to study gross emigration rates pre 1961 and post 1961 out of 
sheer curiosity. We need to note too that, around the end of the colonial 
period for many in the 1960s the world did change and new parts became 
accessible for permanent settlement like Canada, USA, Australia, NZ and even 
pretty congested UK. Likewise, the Gulf opened up in a big way from about 
1960 for labour.

The theory on emigration has been consistent on one point: It is not how bad 
a place is deemed to be that motivates people to emigrate. Rather, it is the 
expectation about how much better off they will be by migrating. This holds 
true for all those moving into Goa now from other parts of India.

I am inclined to think that the 1961 date can be a chimera to suggest that 
the takeover by India was a crucial factor leading to some surge in 
emigration from Goa. Worldwide, there are currently some 200 million on the 
move from every corner of the world to the richer countries and the pattern 
of emigration from Goa can't be different from this phenomena in any 
particular way. Indeed, despite everything the rich countries do to bar new 
entrants, except those that serve their economic needs, the surge will 
increase by many millions more as this is truly a global issue.

I have to reject the suggestion of the Indians serving the white man etc. 
The world is becoming multicultural by the day and the Poles who seek all 
kinds of work (like building/construction) from the Indians settled here 
over a long time are simply whites serving brown or black people because 
they have to work to eat. In Kenya, while I was there, it was very 
racialised. No white would ever  work for an Indian. Yet today, my window 
cleaner and gardener happen to be white and very  happy to work for me. 
Indeed, I keep getting pestered by white locals keen to wash my cars on a 
regular basis or to take the dog (which I don't currently have) for a daily 
walk twice a day! And who do you think delivers the daily papers to my home? 
And who is happy to drive me to the airport? My friend, the idea of Indians 
working for the whites is old hat. Many many Indian businesses have armies 
of white people working for them. However, to focus on this white, brown, 
black nonsense is unhelpful.  We are all human beings adjusting to new 
situations all the time.

I still would like to know however, why so few Hindu Goans left Goa compared 
to the huge number of Christians  well before 1961. Have you got any 
thoughts on this point?

Sorry I rushed this response. Please excuse typos. Maybe I will respond to 
some other points you make but on the issue of some being terrorised in 
terms of religion I have reservations to this view especially as the awful 
Inquisition ended in 1774. Surely, a reversal to Hinduism was readily 
available and the more intriguing question is surely, why did this not 
happen? I provided a tentative post to Frederick on this point well before I 
noted this post from you.  I tend to read the last post first.This whole 
area is really fascinating and it is amazing how Mervyn's article on 
Canadian Goans opened up so many other interesting questions.

PS Western culture embedded in Catholic Goans since 1551 could be the major 
factor prompting so many to leave Goa even in the 1750s. Curiosity about the 
outside world, adventure, the control of Goa by Britain during the Napolonic 
wars, a quest for education. jobs on ships that travelled worldwide etc 
would have provided much impetus I think.

Bhandare  wrote:

Dear Cornel:

The reason why many catholics migrated abroad when Goa
was liberated was because they believed that with
their colonal godfathers getting whacked the playing
field would be now level...the perks and priveleges of
being the same religion as the colonial masters(most
of the perks and priveleges were imagined) would

  • [G... Mervyn Lobo
      • ... Mervyn Lobo
    • ... Gilbert Lawrence
    • ... marshallmendonza
    • ... Bosco D'Mello
      • ... Frederick [FN] Noronha * फ्रेडरिक नोरोंया
    • ... Bhandare
    • ... Frederick [FN] Noronha * फ्रेडरिक नोरोंया
    • ... marshallmendonza
      • ... Mervyn Lobo
        • ... CORNEL DACOSTA
    • ... Eugene Correia
    • ... Frederick [FN] Noronha * फ्रेडरिक नोरोंया
    • ... Bhandare

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