It is truly embarrassing to have been a supporter of McCain, while 
simultaneously having people like Mario and Chris on board. As the saying goes, 
"With friends like these ....."

Based on their posts, one would think that every republican in America is a 
narrow minded, muslim hating, . The truth of course is that Mario and Chris 
represent the ugly underbelly that exists in all organizations. The US 
democrats too have their anti-free trade xenophobes. 

Although McCain tried hard to dissociate himself from Bush, he was not very 
successful in doing so.  The disillusionment with Bush failures have become so 
widespread I doubt anyone could have counteracted the negativity that has been 
associated with economically disastrous and morally despicable 8 years.

McCain is an honorable man and I thought his concession speech was extremely 
eloquent. Not that it matters anymore, but there are significant differences 
between Bush and McCain:

1)McCain's war record speaks for itself. While McCain was being tortured in the 
prisons of Vietnam, Bush was busy getting drunk.
2) McCain has always stood for a lean government. In contrast, we have 
witnessed a larger increase in the govt. debt in the last 8 years than in the 
previous 80.
3) McCain has opposed to continuation of Guantanamo and has fought against the 
Bush administration's torture provisions.
4) Politically, McCain has always been a centrist and in 2004, there was even 
talk of him running in a unity ticket with Kerry.
5) Although McCain erroneously (imo) supported the war in Iraq, he was the 
first to criticize the Bush administration for its poor implementation. While 
Bush was falsely proclaiming mission accomplished, McCain was one of the first 
who demanded a surge to counteract the nightmare that Iraq was descending into. 
6) There is bad blood between Bush and McCain than goes back to the 2000 
election when Bush's aids sent rumors that McCain's dark skinned adopted child 
from Bangladesh was actually an illegitimate child from a relationship with a 
black women.

But, did this all matter? Obviously not. This election was a referendum on 
George Bush. The people have spoken as evidenced not just by a Democratic sweep 
of the presidential elections, but also of House and Senate. This rarely 
happens in a US election. If Mario and Chris have difficulty accepting these 
results, I suggest they PACK THEIR BAGS and LEAVE America. The republican party 
needs to be rebuilt to reflect its pure original values of a small 
non-intrusive government, thrift and hard work. Mario and Chris: thanks, but no 
thanks for your help. Perhaps you guys could be of help to Iran's Ahmedinijad 
who is having a difficult period at the moment.


--- On Wed, 11/5/08, Mario Goveia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> From: Mario Goveia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: [Goanet] It's the economy, stupid !!!
> To:
> Date: Wednesday, November 5, 2008, 8:06 AM
> Date: Wed, 05 Nov 2008 06:12:05 +0000
> From: "Jim Fernandes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >
> The mumbo-jumbo you guys have been feeding on GoaNet, about
> Mr Bush and his crappy policies - would be a good sell with
> some redneck crowd in the middle of the country.
> >
> American's, including those of Goan origin, are far
> more intelligent to understand that, when it comes to
> putting food on the table - Bush was dead wrong. For this,
> the Republican party paid a heavy price tonight.
> >
> Mario responds:
> >
> Jim,
> >
> How is one supposed to debate someone like you who lives in
> New York but has no idea that a) we had seven years of
> growth in the US under President Bush 41, b) has no idea how
> Bill Clinton's policies throughout the 90's led to
> the terrorist attack on your city, and c) has no idea of how
> it was the Democrats, including Barack Obama, who were at
> the forefront of forcing the banking system to lower credit
> standards to encourage low income Americans to buy homes
> rather than rent?

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