Hi Marlon,

2008/11/6 marlon menezes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Fred,
> I think you are quite missing the entire context of the message, which
> was a critique of McCain, not the Vietnam war. The Vietnam war is
> recognized as one of America's greatest foreign policy disasters.

Obviously, I was responding on a point that made sense to my frame of
reference. Or, blinkers, if you like. But I found it cute the way you
mentioned being in Vietnam, as if it was such a superb thing to do :-)
and hence couldn't resist responding.

> Since we are on the topic of policy failures, why is it that the Goan
> populace continues to vote in goons and criminals to power? Is
> the Goan public stupid or stupid? At least in America, the
> public makes amends every few years!

I lack the triumphalism that you can afford to have there, sitting in
the USofA. What, in Konkani, might be termed the 'poddlear suddha nak
voir-ism' (ending up nose-up, even after a mighty tumble).

Incidentally, in Goa, I don't think the only issue or main issue is of
"goons and criminals". It has to do with attempting to build electoral
democracy in a society which has a large component of illiteracy
(never mind the official claims of 80%+ literacy). Also, a society
where votes can still be bought.

Above all, I think it has to do with the real powers behind the 'goons
and criminals'. The permanent government and the many a lobby that
decides which way Goa will move in. It only chooses the front-men who
act on their behalf. And then demonises them when they are past their
use-by date. Or temporarily dispensed with.

Don't go by newspaper headlines alone.

  • ... marlon menezes
    • ... Frederick [FN] Noronha * फ्रेडरिक नोरोन्या
      • ... marlon menezes
        • ... Frederick [FN] Noronha * फ्रेडरिक नोरोन्या
    • ... Carvalho
    • ... Gabe Menezes
    • ... Santosh Helekar
    • ... Radhakrishnan Nair
    • ... Miguel Braganza
    • ... marlon menezes
      • ... Frederick [FN] Noronha * फ्रेडरिक नोरोन्या
    • ... Mario Goveia
    • ... Mario Goveia

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